[CRIMINAL] Complaint against Tyler Kazakov


TNP Nation
Name of Complainant: Belschaft

Name(s) of Accused: Tyler Kazakov

Date(s) of Alleged Offense(s): Ongoing

Specific Offense(s): Treason

RelevantExcerpts from Legal Code or other Laws:

Section 1.1: Treason:
2. "Treason" is defined as taking arms or providing material support to a group or region for the purpose of undermining or overthrowing the lawful government of The North Pacific or any of its treatied allies as governed by the Constitution.
3. Specifically, no player maintaining a nation in a region or organization at war with TNP may maintain a nation within TNP, or participate in the governance thereof, for the duration of hostilities.
4. At this time, there are no regions or organizations at war with TNP. At this time TNP is allied with Stargate, the South Pacific, Taijitu, International Democratic Union, Osiris and Equilism.
5. The Speaker will update the preceding clause as appropriate.

Summary of Events (What happened, in your own words): Tyler Kazakov has joined the Usirian Senate, swearing allegiance to Gatesville. In doing so he has begun providing ongoing material support to their regime for the overthrow of our ally, Osiris.

Evidentiary Submissions:


Comments: No further comments.
What evidence do you have that he has given material support? All I see thus far is a pledge of allegiance to Gatesville in Osiris, GIO, if you will.
I would suggest that his participation in the governing functions of GIO, in this case the Usiris Senate, constitutes material support.
My WA Nor any other part of me is helping them. I never said I was with TNP on this anyway. :P I really don't care and haven't been following Osiris anyway. :/
Blue Wolf II:
What evidence do you have that he has given material support? All I see thus far is a pledge of allegiance to Gatesville in Osiris, GIO, if you will.
According to my dictionary, GIO stands for

Gio: An Asian death anniversary
Gio: a small fjord or gully
Gio: shortened form of Giovanni. coloq: Someone who has a large penis.

I wonder which definition you meant?
Tyler Kazakov:
My WA Nor any other part of me is helping them. I never said I was with TNP on this anyway. :P I really don't care and haven't been following Osiris anyway. :/
Sorry for the double post:

By swelling their numbers and pledging loyalty you are giving legitimacy to their regime. therefore you are helping them.
How would one prove "lawful" (or legitimate, although that term is not in the law cited) in this situation? Just an question, not an opinion.

Aside from this question, it should be noted that Tyler posted a resignation from the Osiris Senate last night according to their forum.
Tyler Kazakov:
My WA Nor any other part of me is helping them. I never said I was with TNP on this anyway. :P I really don't care and haven't been following Osiris anyway. :/
Sorry for the double post:

By swelling their numbers and pledging loyalty you are giving legitimacy to their regime. therefore you are helping them.
That's a rather broad interpretation of "material support". By that reasoning, simply stating that one supports the Gatesville backed government over the Osiris Government in Exile would be tantamount to treason because they are "giving legitimacy". I do believe that twisting the law to fit that viewpoint would be in violation of the Bill of Rights, specifically the second bill.

2. Each Nation's rights to free speech, free press, and the free expression of religion shall not be infringed, and shall be encouraged, by the governmental authorities of the region.
Blue Wolf II:
By that reasoning, simply stating that one supports the Gatesville backed government over the Osiris Government in Exile would be tantamount to treason because they are "giving legitimacy".
yes. that would be my assessment. I believe you are stretching the bill of rights section 2.
From the TNP-Osiris Treaty

1. The parties to this treaty are Osiris and The North Pacific (TNP).
2. The parties will recognize the constitutional governments in force at the time of ratification of this treaty as the sole legitimate governments of their respective regions.
3. The parties will not undermine one another's security, national identity, or sovereignty through subterfuge, espionage, invasion, or any other means.
4. The parties will defend one another with all available military and diplomatic resources at a legal request of the other party.

One could argue that joining the Senate of GV Osiris possibly runs afoul of at least one of these parameters.

EDIT: And geez Tyler, read before you sign!! :p
punk d:
From the TNP-Osiris Treaty

1. The parties to this treaty are Osiris and The North Pacific (TNP).
2. The parties will recognize the constitutional governments in force at the time of ratification of this treaty as the sole legitimate governments of their respective regions.
3. The parties will not undermine one another's security, national identity, or sovereignty through subterfuge, espionage, invasion, or any other means.
4. The parties will defend one another with all available military and diplomatic resources at a legal request of the other party.

One could argue that joining the Senate of GV Osiris possibly runs afoul of at least one of these parameters.

EDIT: And geez Tyler, read before you sign!! :p
I'm not so sure. Two seems to be the only possible connection as one is declarative without definition and three and four are very specific and not related to the actions herein claimed. It seems like acknowledging a government as legitimate at the time of signing is not necessarily the same as acknowledging that same government as legitimate in perpetuity. Likewise, once a government has been displaced it seems like action after the fact (such as Tyler joining the Senate) wouldn't have been action undermining the former government's authority since the undermining has already taken place in full and irrespective of said action.

Just an observation.
punk d:
From the TNP-Osiris Treaty

1. The parties to this treaty are Osiris and The North Pacific (TNP).
2. The parties will recognize the constitutional governments in force at the time of ratification of this treaty as the sole legitimate governments of their respective regions.
3. The parties will not undermine one another's security, national identity, or sovereignty through subterfuge, espionage, invasion, or any other means.
4. The parties will defend one another with all available military and diplomatic resources at a legal request of the other party.

One could argue that joining the Senate of GV Osiris possibly runs afoul of at least one of these parameters.

EDIT: And geez Tyler, read before you sign!! :p
Sorry, I didn't take much mind to that. :P
Gracius Maximus:
punk d:
From the TNP-Osiris Treaty

1. The parties to this treaty are Osiris and The North Pacific (TNP).
2. The parties will recognize the constitutional governments in force at the time of ratification of this treaty as the sole legitimate governments of their respective regions.
3. The parties will not undermine one another's security, national identity, or sovereignty through subterfuge, espionage, invasion, or any other means.
4. The parties will defend one another with all available military and diplomatic resources at a legal request of the other party.

One could argue that joining the Senate of GV Osiris possibly runs afoul of at least one of these parameters.

EDIT: And geez Tyler, read before you sign!! :p
I'm not so sure. Two seems to be the only possible connection as one is declarative without definition and three and four are very specific and not related to the actions herein claimed. It seems like acknowledging a government as legitimate at the time of signing is not necessarily the same as acknowledging that same government as legitimate in perpetuity. Likewise, once a government has been displaced it seems like action after the fact (such as Tyler joining the Senate) wouldn't have been action undermining the former government's authority since the undermining has already taken place in full and irrespective of said action.

Just an observation.
I'm just saying one could make that argument.
Blue Wolf II:
By that reasoning, simply stating that one supports the Gatesville backed government over the Osiris Government in Exile would be tantamount to treason because they are "giving legitimacy".
yes. that would be my assessment. I believe you are stretching the bill of rights section 2.
Not at all, Flem. You're more or less saying that having a specific opinion that runs contrary to TNP policy, in this case one that supports Gatesville in Osiris, is essentially treason. That's utterly ridiculous and invokes touches of 1984's "Thoughtcrime".

It is a clear violation of free speech and free expression and I really hope you're joking when you suggest otherwise.
In a game where written expression is literally everything, declaring one's support for a regime, and one's loyalty to its individuals, without disclaimer and in all apparent seriousness, cannot reasonably be construed as anything other than a true expression of one's support and loyalty.

Not all speech is protected speech, or should be.
But there is a difference between saying "I ideologically support these guys" and "I'm going to give you endorsements and provide you with troops". Anyone who pretends they are one in the same is being intellectually dishonest.
Blue Wolf II:
Blue Wolf II:
By that reasoning, simply stating that one supports the Gatesville backed government over the Osiris Government in Exile would be tantamount to treason because they are "giving legitimacy".
yes. that would be my assessment. I believe you are stretching the bill of rights section 2.
Not at all, Flem. You're more or less saying that having a specific opinion that runs contrary to TNP policy, in this case one that supports Gatesville in Osiris, is essentially treason. That's utterly ridiculous and invokes touches of 1984's "Thoughtcrime".

It is a clear violation of free speech and free expression and I really hope you're joking when you suggest otherwise.
I have no problem with someone "having a specific opinion". What Tyler did was pledge an oath and join the senate of the Osiris imperium.

I think is we restrict treason to giving endorsements or troops, we need to rewrite our laws.

I am with silly string on this one.
Blue Wolf II:
But there is a difference between saying "I ideologically support these guys" and "I'm going to give you endorsements and provide you with troops". Anyone who pretends they are one in the same is being intellectually dishonest.
The same can be said for anyone who pretends that "I ideologically support these guys" is the same as "I swear an oath of loyalty and service to these guys".
Point of parliamentary inquiry: with AG Gaspo AWOL, who is supposed to handle this criminal complaint?
punk d:
Blue Wolf II:
No one, we're waiting on the next AG to be elected.
The wheels of justice hum right along.
Now, now punk d. Let's not be cynical. Our next attorney general is sure to get more accomplished than the current empty chair. :spin:
I'm not so sure. I'm actually surprised someone on an indefinite leave of absence from the RA would be allowed to stand for office.

But I am sure he will do a great job.
Gracius Maximus:
I'm not so sure. I'm actually surprised someone on an indefinite leave of absence from the RA would be allowed to stand for office.

But I am sure he will do a great job.
To set the record straight, since I am due to move house in about three weeks, moving across the country, I would LOVE to be on a leave of absence right now.

But since one root admin has been absent for about a year, the other has gone walkabout without saying why or when he would be back, and other admins have been away on holiday, I have had to put the LOA on the back burner so that, you know, SOMEONE is doing the admin work.

And since I am here for admin stuff, other stuff happens too.

Call it my sense of duty overcoming my common sense.