I would like to first thank Flemingovia for pressing this issue, because his effort has had several positive effects. For a long time, we have collectively bemoaned the lack of options for expressing disapproval at a government official, but we've never gotten riled up enough about it to actually take steps to remedy the situation, until now. The amendment on the floor to add censure to the legal code, and (to a lesser extent) the amendment to criminalize gross misconduct are examples of possible remedies that are being pursued. In addition, it's been brought to my attention again that there is a need to expedite the recall process, as the current procedure is too slow to be practical, as this affair has demonstrated.
However, I am inclined to agree with the unlikely coalition that has formed in opposition of this matter going to vote. When Blue Wolf II and Punk D (among many others) agree on a certain course of action, their reasoning bears scrutiny. So I have spent time studying the issue, and considered several courses of action.
I could take Flem's advice, and bring the matter to a vote, trusting that if it were to pass, it would be legal, and if it were to fail, it would be illegal. However, I think it would be unwise to equate unpopularity and illegality, or indeed, popularity and legality. It might be that some members would base their vote entirely on whether they thought the proposal was legal or not, but even if they all did, popular consensus is not fact. In other words, even if a majority of the Regional Assembly considers this a legal proposal, that alone does not make it so.
No, to determine the legality of a proposal, we consult not only the minds of our fellow assembly members, but also the law. Here is what the law says about the removal of a government official:
TNP Constitution:
3. The Regional Assembly may remove a government official from office by a two-thirds majority vote.
Clearly, it is a logical contradiction to remove someone from an office that they no longer occupy. Thus, this proposal does not fall under the power granted to the Regional Assembly by the Constitution, and cannot be allowed to proceed. No vote will be held on this matter, but the topic will remain open for discussion.
I am pleased that so many legislators have decided to weigh in on this issue, and thank all of you for your contributions to the discussion. Most of all, I would like to thank Deputy Speaker SillyString for holding this thing together with both hands and keeping it from exploding until I returned. There aren’t very many people who have the patience and fortitude to keep this assembly from going totally insane, and she is one of them. Thank you for your service, deputy.