June Award Ceremony

Greetings TNP,

You are all invited to the following,

Starting at 1 PM EST on Monday June 24th, there shall be a great Awards Ceremony in the Imperial Throne Room in the New Galactic Empire.

All members of the Empire have been invited to attend. I would like to extend an invitation to anyone from the North Pacific who wishes to attend.

Medals shall be presented by both members of the Moff Council and the High Government. At the end of the ceremony there will be a major announcement by the Royal Family.

If you have any questions or need a link to the event please let me know before the event begins. If there is any issue with forum access please let me know as well.

Link to our forum: http://s4.zetaboards.com/New_Galactic_Empire/index/

On Behalf of the Emperor,

Darth Revan II