or this:[15:49] <+COE> I would totally reappoint the deputy speaker if she were recalled
[15:49] <+COE> Just sayin'
or this:[08:13] <+FriarTuck> Asta: 22 May 16:25Z <COE> tell Asta I think she's the bestest deputy a Speaker could wish for <3
or this:[02:03] <+mcmasterdonia> You two remind me of a serial killer couple
[02:03] <+mcmasterdonia> You encourage her to do it and get a kick out of watching her carry it out
[02:03] <+COE> We are not unlike a serial killer couple, yes
We are left only with this sole piece of evidence of dastardly, conspiratorial plotting, and it simply would not do for the Speaker to discover that idle talk has become anything but![14:02] <+COE> <Zyvetskistaahn> but then they would have tried to recall you COE<<< I prepared for that eventuality, and Astarial is fully prepared to administrate my recall if called upon to do so.
[14:03] <+Sovreignry> What if we recall her?
[14:03] <+COE> Then I will immediately reappoint her
[14:03] <+COE> Because she is fucking invaluable
We must never let him see me coming for him.[16:25] <+COE> If I won this election, and started voting my conscience on bills, would there be outcry?
[16:25] <@Astarial> I would immediately move for a recall
[16:25] <@Astarial>
[16:25] <+COE> You're just after my job
[16:26] <@Astarial> >_>!
[16:26] <+COE>
[16:26] <@Astarial> If that were true, shouldn't I join the pack and run against you?
[16:26] <+COE> Nah, that's too obvious for you. You know you can't win in a democratic election against me. It's only through subterfuge and usurpation that you could ever take my chair
[16:26] <+COE> You sneaky thing, you!
[16:27] <+Sovreignry> Or get him disqualified by the courts.
[16:27] <@Astarial> oooh, true, sov
[16:28] <+COE> You'll never be me, Asta. No matter how much I teach you, I'll always save back a few tricks
[16:28] <+COE>
[16:28] <+Iro> COE, you sneaky bastard.