DRAFT: Treaty with Balder


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
This is just a draft. Thoughts, edits, etc.

The North Pacific and Balder Security Treaty


We, the regions of The North Pacific and Balder, in the interest of regional security, continued stability, and prolonged friendship, hereby enter into this pact to ensure the safe and continuous development of our parallel states as GCR brethren.

Article I: Non-Aggression Between Signatories
  • The parties will recognize the constitutional governments in force at the time of ratification of this treaty as the sole legitimate governments of their respective regions and will not undermine or attempt to overthrow the other's regional government.
  • The parties will not undermine one another's security, regional identity, or sovereignty through subterfuge, espionage, invasion, or any other means.
Article II: Cooperation Between Signatories
  • The parties will defend one another against attack, either internal or external, with all available diplomatic and military resources at the request of the other party's legitimate government.
  • The signatories agree to share any intelligence relating to the security of either state. This includes information relating to both regional and forum security.
  • The signatories agree to cooperate in the organizing and hosting of cultural events.
  • The signatories will aim to cooperate on military training exercises.

Article IV Termination of Treaty
  • If a signatory region wishes to terminate this agreement they must give five days notice on the forum of the other region.
  • Termination of this agreement shall not be seen as an act of war or hostility.
I will present this bill to the Regional Assembly once I have Rachels signature.


We, the regions of The North Pacific and Balder, in the interest of regional security, continued stability, and prolonged friendship, hereby enter into this pact to ensure the safe and continuous development of our parallel states as GCR brethren.

Article I: Non-Aggression Between Signatories
  • The parties will recognize the constitutional governments in force at the time of ratification of this treaty as the sole legitimate governments of their respective regions and will not undermine or attempt to overthrow the other's regional government.
  • The parties will not undermine one another's security, regional identity, or sovereignty through subterfuge, espionage, invasion, or any other means.
Article II: Cooperation Between Signatories
  • The parties will defend one another against attack, either internal or external, with all available diplomatic and military resources at the request of the other party's legitimate government.
  • The signatories agree to share any intelligence relating to the security of the other party. This includes information relating to both regional and forum security.
  • The signatories agree to cooperate in the organizing and hosting of cultural events.
  • The signatories will aim to cooperate on military training exercises.

Article IV Termination of Treaty
  • If a signatory region wishes to terminate this agreement they must give five days notice on the forum of the other region.
  • Termination of this agreement shall not be seen as an act of war or hostility.



Jamie Anumia
Delegate of the North Pacific
I'm not a member of the EC, but the last time we voted on a treaty, we weren't voting on the same treaty that the other signatories had...might I suggest a drafting phase, where changes etc are suggested, but no motions to vote are considered? Balder could do the same, and then you and Rach could hammer out a final copy to be voted on, with no more amendments considered.

The new RA rules on proposals actually facilitates this very well, since as the author, you could simply propose the first draft, then move it to vote once the final draft is ready, and end Formal Debate without making any changes.
That is the plan.

Last time I was told that the other parties had read the treaty and had agreed with it privately, it is true that I was mislead. I have already communicated to Rach that I don't intended for this treaty to be forced to a vote quickly. I also understand the benefits that the rules changes you have brought in will allow.

Thanks for your input though :)