Kraut Killers

Update IV - 2013-05-29
Forum: Gatesville
Region: Gatesville Inc
Population: 374 nations
WA Endorsements: 76
High Council:
Nevadar - High Queen
Gates - Grand Poobah
Noctaurus - WA Delegate
Kraut Killers - Forum Administrator
Sudros - General of the Army
Mr. Eviscerator - Internal Affairs Advocate
Pope Lexus X - Theological Advocate
Ukaraine - Court Jester
Hello everybody! I hope you all enjoy these morsels of GV that I've laid out for you today. Some folks might remember me as that former FAA that Gatesville used to have. You might also remember me as a former WA Delegate of Gatesville. Today I bring you the news as Gatesville's Regional BAMF and most importantly, Interim Foreign Affairs Advocate. Don't worry, good ol' Pope Lexus should be around for the next update.
-Kraut Killers
Gatesville and TWP Declare War on Sobriety

With Gatesville's triumphant return to NS, it was only a matter of time before old friends found their way to each other. In this regard, Gatesville and The West Pacific have rekindled their storied alliance for the new times. In typical GV/TWP fashion, we have declared war on sobriety and marsupials, while mandating a steady diet of chocolate.
The Alco-Choco-Klingon Treaty
Article 1 - Non-Aggression against Signatories
1. No Signatory shall conduct military operations against another Signatory Region.
2. No Signatory shall directly or indirectly support military operations against another Signatory Region.
Article 2 - Defence of Signatories Under Attack
1. Where any Signatory Region has had military action conducted against it, then the other Signatory that is aware of that action must provide as much military support as it can provide without resulting in a significant threat to its own military security, and will do everything possible to mobilise that support.
2. A Signatory is aware of military action when it has been informed on its forums or when it has noticed the action itself.
3. Article 2.1 does not apply for a Signatory under Article 2.2 when the military action in question is conducted by an ally of that Signatory.
4. For the purposes of this Article, an ally of a Signatory is a region with a Treaty with a Signatory that provides positive material benefit to a Signatory going beyond non-aggression. Each Signatory must inform the other Signatory of their allies.
Article 3 - Counterattack
1. Where a Signatory Region has had military action conducted against it by any other region or organisation, the other Signatory will provide as much military support as can be given for the purposes of any counterattack that the Signatory may wish to undertake, without causing a significant threat to its own military security.
2. In order for Article 3.1 to apply, the Signatory in question must have informed the other Signatories of its intention to make a counterattack within one month of the last military action, and in any case does not apply if two months have passed since the last military action.
3. Article 3.1 does not apply for a Signatory required to provide military support under Article 3.1 when the military action in question is conducted against an ally of that Signatory.
4. For the purposes of this Article, an ally of a Signatory is a region with a Treaty with a Signatory that provides positive material benefit to a Signatory going beyond non-aggression. Each Signatory must inform the other Signatory of their allies.
Article 4 - Other Military Support
In situations that do not fall elsewhere under this Part, each Signatory will endeavour to provide military support to the other Signatory when requested by that other Signatory, and where it is consistent with their own policies.
Article 5 - Non-Transmission of Information to Non-Allies
1. Article 5.1 applies to, but is not limited to, information about military operations, intelligence operations and IP addresses.
2. A Signatory may not pass on any information provided by the other Signatory unless that information is already in the public domain or if the Signatory providing the information gives its consent.
Article 6 - Intelligence Requests
1. Each signatory shall strive to provide information to the other signatory upon request with minimum delay where their own internal policy and structure allows.
2. Upon the discovery of intelligence information that is relevant to a signatory , the signatory with this information is obliged to inform the other of any potential dangers and provide the necessary details.
3. Articles 6.1 and 6.2 apply to, but are not limited to, information regarding military operations, intelligence reports, intelligence operations and IP addresses.
4. Articles 6.1 and 6.2 do not apply if the information in question was provided by an ally of the signatory who recieves the information. Signatories may request that such information be shared, however.
5. For the purposes of this Article, an ally of a Signatory is a region with a Treaty with the Signatory in question that provides positive material benefit to a Signatory going beyond non-aggression. Each Signatory must inform the other Signatory of their allies.
Article 7 - Training Exercises
Signatories will endeavour to undertake military training exercises together, including exercises in Warzones, for which they will use as much of their military as they can reasonably mobilise.
Article 8 - Diplomatic Support
Each Signatory will endeavour to provide diplomatic support to the other Signatory where it is possible for them to do so while being consistent with their own policies and other alliances.
Article 9 - Definitions
For the purposes of this Treaty, the following definitions shall apply:
(i) Signatories: The governments of the regions Gatesville and The West Pacific, that have signed this Treaty.
(ii) Signatory Region: A Region whose government has signed this Treaty, or whose foreign policy is legally subordinated to such a region either by statute or by treaty, and with other Signatory having been informed of that status.
(iii) Military action: Attempting to change the WA Delegacy of a region other than by a legal process of that region.
(iv) Military support: Endorsing a nation that is the nominated WA Delegate of the supported Signatory, whether in a Signatory Region or elsewhere, on any terms that may be set by the supported Signatory.
(v) Endeavour: This has the effect of making a provision non-binding on the Signatories, while imposing a duty to act in good faith in relation to the provision.
(vi) Intelligence information: This refers to any information gathered on intelligence missions either within a signatory region or in another region by a member of a signatory region working for that regions intelligence department or simillar organisation. Information can refer to individuals, groups or regions.
Article 10 - Misc.
1. Marsupials will be shot on sight within the signatory regions.
2. Chocolate shall become the official dessert served at all joint TWP-Gatesville functions.
3. All interactions between signatory regions must be conducted with a BAC no lower than .08%.
We hope that this treaty, like those in the past, will stand the test of time and continue to foster relations between our two regions.
TSP Dissolves Relations, Gatesville Declares War, Cooler Heads Prevail

It was a tense morning when The South Pacific dissolved their relations with Gatesville over a misunderstanding with their recent coup. In response to the dissolution of embassies, Gatesville named TSP an enemy of the state and promply declared war. Fortunately, Queen Nevadar and TSP WA Delegate, Brutland and Norden, were able to meet and hash out the disagreement. Everyone left the meeting on cordial terms, the declaration of war and enemy of the state tag withdrawn, and embassies opened back up. Gatesville is pleased that we are once again on amicable relations with our friends in TSP.
Gatesville Leaves the Sovereign Confederation

Following lengthy discussion, the Gatesville High and Middle Councils have decided to withdraw Gatesville's membership in the Sovereign Confederation. This decision has been taken to ensure that, with Gatesville's rebirth, the new region take the best route possible to pursue its goals to protect freedom and the sovereignty of all nations and regions in NationStates. We wish our former colleagues in the Sovereign Confederation the best and we intend to work to maintain the links we have established there in furtherance of our shared aims.
Councils of Gatesville v. The Conservative Front, Pt II

After several witnesses, much testimony, and a lot of deliberation, the Inquisition passed down the ruling of guilty of being a supporter of the WA (2-1). Conservative Front's punishment for such heinous crimes are as follows:
1. CF is hereby required to give declaration that he has seen the error of his ways and will support Gatesville in the fight against the WA and her allies.
2. CF will join the Gatesville Guard at the rank of Trainee, lower than the standard entry rank of Private.
3. CF will be required to show his official reprimand in his forum signature at all times.
We hope to see a change in the ways of CF so he may once again be held it the esteem of years past.
World Assembly Report

As always, our esteemed WA Advocate, Gatchina, has produced another WA report in painstaking detail.
WA Affairs Report IV
Recent WA Votes:
1. Stopping Suicide Seeds (GA)
Outcome: Passed: 9,956 to 4,312
2. Condemn Jakker (SC)
Outcome: Passed 9,863 to 2,111
3. Repeal "Reduction of Abortion Act (GA)
Outcome: Passed 9,183 to 3,977
4. Condemn Aglrinia (SC)
Outcome: Passed 7,804 to 4,106
On the Declaration of War was defeated by an overwhelming majority of WA voters. This shows us that even the “peaceful” hippies that exert great influence in the WA are susceptible to concerns for national security and therefore sovereignty.
WA Nations & Endorsement
Number of WA Nations: 95 (25%)
Endorsement Percentage: 76 (85%)
The region has increased its membership from 83 to 95 WA members since last update. 95 out of 374. This increase is good and we are closer than ever to our first 100 endorsements. Yet the total number of WA nations is not quite where I’d like it to be. We have hit 25% for WA nations; this is a big milestone for us and though it may not seem like it, we have jumped a big hurdle.
The Holy Inquisition has found Conservative Front guilty of supporting the WA. We in Gatesville are a forgiving bunch and thus the punishment is not so severe. Conservative Front will change his ways and will continue to serve this Great Region in the valiant way he did in the past. This trial is a testament to the extreme dedication of this Region to our mission, that we would put an esteemed citizen on trial for supporting the WA. Our allegiance to our own citizens and to our mission makes us a truly remarkable region!
It should also be noted that Gatesville and Osiris have recently set aside our differences and worked together to craft the current resolution at vote in the General Assembly. A repeal of the Physical Sites Protection Act was co-authored by The Dourian Embassy (Osirian WA Delegate) and Gatchina (Gatesvillian WA Advocate). At this moment the voting is heavily in favor of the repeal, and it appears that it will remain that way. This repeal is just the first of many Gatesville backed or influenced pieces of legislation that will be making it through the World Assembly, and it would be our pleasure to continue the work with our like minded Osirian friends.
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