

Mall's Platform
  • I will immediately ignore all previous Court Precedent (especially the precedent that says not to do that),
  • When making all decisions I will ignore the Constitution and determine whether or not the person is guilty using my gut instinct (Ravania was guilty of Treason, I don't give a shit what the BoR/Legal Code/Constitution says),
  • For reviews I will make the decision that involves the least convoluted interpretation possible, to do this I will ignore the Constitution again (I will however accept bribes, for example all decisions of mine will be ended by declaring Astarial the Empress since she promised me her vote).

Mall4Court, then Mall4Del
Mall's Platform
  • I will immediately ignore all previous Court Precedent (especially the precedent that says not to do that),
  • When making all decisions I will ignore the Constitution and determine whether or not the person is guilty using my gut instinct (Ravania was guilty of Treason, I don't give a shit what the BoR/Legal Code/Constitution says),
  • For reviews I will make the decision that involves the least convoluted interpretation possible, to do this I will ignore the Constitution again (I will however accept bribes, for example all decisions of mine will be ended by declaring Astarial the Empress since she promised me her vote).

Mall4Court, then Mall4Del
It's a bold strategy, let's see if it pays off. :)

I hope you have less setbacks in your run than in the last election :cry:

Mall, seriously, I have a question on your campaign I would like you to answer.

Your campaign implies you will disregard the constitution, however, the eleventh clause in the bill of rights clearly states that no governmental authority of the region has the power to suspend or disregard the Constitution or the Legal Code. Moreover, the Constitution, which happens to be the fundamental law of The North Pacific, clearly states that all nations are guaranteed the rights as defined by the bill of rights. Are you sure you are not mixing up The North Pacific with some other founderless region?
Yeah I'm ignoring most parts of the BoR too. TNP is just one very large founderless region with a messed up legal system. The solution is to ignore the majority of the rules and rights granted to those in TNP, and this will invariably lead to more positive results.
How would Mall deal with the problem of whether or not SC members are members of the Govt? What about the problem with RA members being members of govt, and thereby not being allowed to hold other offices?

To the second question, that is one of those idiotic questions that might have legal basis, but that I would rule against so that this damn region can keep running. As to the first question, yes SC members are indeed govt officials. Duh. AND ASTARIAL IS EMPRESS OF TNP.
So... you're saying that SC members can't serve in other offices? What about the Vice Delegate who chairs the SC? How would that work? And the larger question, do we really want to gut the SC by forcing members to resign in order to run for office?
That's a stupid rule in general, I would ignore it. You are stuck in a Constibillocode mindset that really limits you.
So far every candidate has said that they would sacrifice the region to uphold the Constibillocode that we all hate the majority of the time. Is this what the voters want? They want justices who pledge to ignore common sense in favor of a series of writings which have turned large parts of this region's government into a joke? I certainly hope not.
Your platform sounds like flemingovianism without the benign deity. Care to comment?

Plus, even if elected on this platform, I believe that you will be stopped. It will not be allowed. The power of the few overrules the will of the many. Do you also believe this to be the case?*

*mind you, it would be fun finding out, wouldn't it?
That's a stupid rule in general, I would ignore it. You are stuck in a Constibillocode mindset that really limits you.
Do you mean you would ignore it with respect to SC members, or do you mean for all government officials? That is, is it stupid to have a separation of powers among the branches of government?
Your platform sounds like flemingovianism without the benign deity. Care to comment?

Plus, even if elected on this platform, I believe that you will be stopped. It will not be allowed. The power of the few overrules the will of the many. Do you also believe this to be the case?*

*mind you, it would be fun finding out, wouldn't it?

I believe you are right. There is a distinct similarity to flemingovianism, where common sense and your Word are the rules to be followed, although as you said there is a lack of a Deity in my platform.

I have no doubt that even if elected the forces that run the region would seek to remove me. They cling to their Constibillocode because it cements their control over the region. Those without power cling to it because they have been told to be afraid of independent thought that would challenge the control of the Oligarchy.

Great Bights Mum:
That's a stupid rule in general, I would ignore it. You are stuck in a Constibillocode mindset that really limits you.
Do you mean you would ignore it with respect to SC members, or do you mean for all government officials? That is, is it stupid to have a separation of powers among the branches of government?

I would ignore it for all government officials. If an individual can be both an executive minister and speaker, then why shouldn't they be? "But what if someone runs for everything and wins!" Then the voters will get what they deserve. Have some faith in the people. They'll get what they deserve.
Just the kind of no-nonsense person we need on the bench. A hypothetical: You see soneone post a massive post citing a bunch of individual clauses and stuff for you to consider as a judge, what do you do?
Odds are it is all trivial nonsense. Especially if they are citing previous Court decisions, or the Constibillocode. I'd probably tell them to go screw if it is legislation, it is their damn job to figure that shit out. It's like when the babies in the General Assembly of the WA run to the mods every five minutes to interpret legislation. The legislators should be deciding that, not the mods, and not the Court.
Pickle, apple needle sauce when turning yarn great freedom the raging thimble lies. In all of garner the rat's yellow breeze, there not craft very mole zeppelin dingo.
A mean old man:
Pickle, apple needle sauce when turning yarn great freedom the raging thimble lies. In all of garner the rat's yellow breeze, there not craft very mole zeppelin dingo.
That is indeed what it sounds like when someone quotes the Constibillocode at me.
Given your philosophy is based on ignoring the law, how would you deal with the hypothetical situation where you make a ruling and the region decides to ignore the part of the Constitution that gives you the power to make the ruling in the first place?
If it is a stupid ruling then I would hope that they would. However, if they ignore it because they are stubborn and wish to stick to the Constibillocode, then I would find it rather hypocritical.
This is for Mall, whom I adore. :tb2:


Mall4Court! :tb2:

Edit: What nonsense is this not having :wub:...
Why not Hileville?

Hile is one of the frontrunners of this election cycle. So why should you vote for me instead of him? Hile is cemented securely in his Constibillocode mindset, one in which he (along with every other candidate) would rather see the region get couped rather than break from the Constibillocode. This is insanity at its finest ladies and gentlemen. A vote for Mall is a vote for Regression, let us regress from the Constibillocode when necessary and allow common sense to prevail.
Why not Hileville?

Hile is one of the frontrunners of this election cycle. So why should you vote for me instead of him? Hile is cemented securely in his Constibillocode mindset, one in which he (along with every other candidate) would rather see the region get couped rather than break from the Constibillocode. This is insanity at its finest ladies and gentlemen. A vote for Mall is a vote for Regression, let us regress from the Constibillocode when necessary and allow common sense to prevail.
I guess this depends upon your definition of coup. For those of us that support Delegate rights, the current government exists and is upheld by virtue of having the Delegate's support. Considering the current state of the system and the powers and abilities of the Security Council, this could possibly be amended, but the fundamental argument remains.

If there is an unauthorized shift in the Delegacy and the Security Council were to prove powerless to reverse this shift then it is wholly conceivable that the new Delegate could replace the current governmental apparatus in its entirety. In which case, proponents of the current law would be in the wrong, from a certain point of view.
That is, assuming the oath taken by the delegate-elect is just empty words. In that case, the oath-breaking required to coup is a-ok. For those of us who hold a certain point of view that a man is only as good as his word, then the delegate would be in the wrong.
And our current Constibillocode would handle all these problems *so* well. Wait... no it wouldn't.
Great Bights Mum:
That is, assuming the oath taken by the delegate-elect is just empty words. In that case, the oath-breaking required to coup is a-ok. For those of us who hold a certain point of view that a man is only as good as his word, then the delegate would be in the wrong.
That also depends upon interpretation of a Delegate's rights, in my opinion. The Delegate could take the oath in good faith and then change the government apparatus, thereby rending said oath null and void.

But, I agree with your point. People should not take oaths if they do not intend to follow them. I was simply positing an opinion, not a suggested action.