Motion to Recall Hillevile


I hereby call for the recall of Hillevile, election commissioner. Recent events have shown the favoritism and irregular manner in which the EC is ran and this injustice must be rectified.
Since the Election Commission has reversed the decision that prompted this recall, would you like to withdraw your motion? (Hope springs eternal.)
Oh look, here is the Speaker, trying to cut off a discussion he doesn't like, as usual. I second the motion for recall, the behavior of the EC is worthy of recall, despite their supposed magnanimous concession.
punk d:
What is an election counselor? I did not know we had those in The North Pacific.
Neither did I.

DD: I expect you will also be seconding the other EC's motions for recalls? Or did I do something to you that is motivating this second?
I can second whichever motion I want as put forward by my fellow assmeblypersons, and I can decide not to second others without needing to appeal to some form of consistency of action. Maybe I don't like your name? Who knows?
Democratic Donkeys:
Oh look, here is the Speaker, trying to cut off a discussion he doesn't like, as usual. I second the motion for recall, the behavior of the EC is worthy of recall, despite their supposed magnanimous concession.
I have ended discussions exactly twice during my four month term, and only when I thought it best for the welfare of the region. (EDIT: and one of those times was only temporary.)

Seeing a motion and a second, this will proceed to a vote soon.
I could not be more against this motion. Hile went out of his way to be an EC when prompted so no. Against.
Democratic Donkeys' post in this thread:
Democratic Donkeys:
Oh look, here is the Speaker, trying to cut off a discussion he doesn't like, as usual. I second the motion for recall, the behavior of the EC is worthy of recall, despite their supposed magnanimous concession.
Democratic Donkeys' post in the voting thread, less than 36 hours later:
Democratic Donkeys:
This is so clearly a waste of my time...
Most days I love my job. But when people propose motions and carry them to vote, but have no desire to see them pass, I fail to see how that's a worthwhile use of my (and by extension, the RA's as a whole) time.
I have the strongest desire to see my recall motions to pass. It's very sad that since the individuals being recalled are part of the TNP oligarchy and get to have the security of being incompetent and keeping their jobs just because.
And I have the strongest desire to see you thrown out of this region for treason. But then neither of us can get everything we want.
I polity refer you to Chapter 1 Section 1.1 of the Code of Laws.
None of this translates to treason. If you say "undermine or overthrow," listen buddy, you can just as easily vote in new justices and appoint new commissioners. Don't give me that line of crap.
Hile's right guys. We need to focus on his gross incompetence as election commissioner. To think he caved in to Romanoffa's demands to cover it up! Recall the rascal! Recall this oligarch. Mr Hileville, tear down your incompetence.
I agree though. It was only the amount of negligence that all 3 of the ECs put into the job that caused this mess. Clinton's "DNA" on Lewinsky's dress was also an accident, but he got in trouble for that too.
I think election commissioners should be an elected position. How is it that these three ended up in the position? By appointment you say? I say nepotism.