ARCHIVED: North Pacific Sports

How would you guys feel about a North Pacific sports tournament? I'm personally a fan of baseball, but I know Soccer is a favorite for many.

For those of you that have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, a thing on Nationstates is NS Sports. There are plenty of different sports to choose from, and I was wondering if you guys would be interested in doing a few. This is merely to gauge interest at this point.

Please reply with your nation name, and what sports you would be interested in doing.

A few helpful links:

General Sports Roleplaying Questions
Guide to Sports Roleplaying

My application:

Baseball, Soccer, Hockey
You don't need to actually participate to be a part of it. It's mostly a statistical thing. Actually roleplaying just gives you a bonus. Like the Map, not participating does not hurt you. It'll be fun. You should express an interest.

The more people we have the better it is. You only need to sign up for an event, and check to see if you won the championship. That's pretty much the minimal participation required.
There seems to be some consensus on Soccer. If we can get some more people (I'm thinking 8) then I think we can start putting something together and host the first North Pacific Cup.