20th Premiership of the United Kingdom
Monarch: HM King Alexander II
Consort: HM Queen Victoria
Prince of Wales:HRH Prince Edward
Prime Minister: William Cavendish
Deputy Prime Minister: Edwin T. de Clare
Minister of the Home Office: George de Clare
Foreign Affairs Minister: Brum Brum
Minister of Defence: Michael Stewart
Minister of Culture: Nigel Farage
Chancellor of the Exchequer: Position Vacant
Attorney General: Edwin T. de Clare
Director of Military Intelligence: Michael Stewart
WA Delegate: HM King Alexander II
Chief Justice: Constance St. James
Sr. Associate Justice: Charles Telsontair
Jr. Associate Justice: George de Clare
23rd Session of Parliament
Speaker of Parliament
Nigel Farage
Peers of Parliament
Charles Sinclair, Lord Lucan
Charlotte Stewart, Countess of Somerset
Members of Parliament
Victoria E. Stewart of Northern England (Con)
Edwin T. de Clare of Southern England (Con)
Michael R.E. Stewart of Wales (Con)
Nigel Farage of Scotland (I)
Henry James Tudor of Northern Ireland (Con)
Majority: Conservative Party
Loyal Opposition:Independant Alliance
The April 2013 General Election
After a long hard campaign, a prime ministerial debate, and dozens of speeches, the April General Election is finally over. It was a long haul, but the people have spoken and these are the lucky few who emerged in victory.
Prime Minister: William Cavendish (Con) narrowly won the election with 55.6% of the vote. Mr. James Mikaelson, a former Prime Minister, proved to be a worthy opponent racking up the remaining 44.6% of the vote. The following day, Mr. Cavendish began work by organizing his experienced cabinet members.
Northern England: Her Majesty Queen Victoria, the Queen-Consort, (Con) won with 61.5% of the electorate. She promised that though she is a member of the Royal Family, she will not let that influence her decisions in the chamber.
Southern England: Former Chancellor of the Exchequer Edwin Tiberius de Clare (Con) won with 53.8% margins. While the Exchequer is gone, he is prepared to get Parliament back to work.
Wales: Prince Michael R. E. Stewart (Con) emerged with 63% of the votes cast. The Director of Military Intelligence, and long-time Minister of Defence, should bring an era of enlightenment to Parliament.
Northern Ireland: Mr. Henry James Tudor (Con) attained 61.5% of the votes in his race. He was nominated by the Conservative and Unionist Party to replace the now Associate Justice, George de Clare, who has represented this constituency for five terms.
Scotland: After a close race between three candidates, Henry Grimaldi (LD), Charles Sinclair (Con), and a last minute entry Mr. Nigel Farage (I), Mr. Farage won the seat with 63% of the vote. Mr. Farage was the only Independent to win a seat in Parliament this term.
The Conservative and Unionist Party captured both the Government and Parliament, now we will watch and see what they do in the upcoming two months.
Political Party
Votes Total
Percent of Votes
[c]Conservative[c]84[c]53%[c]Liberal Democrats[c]2[c]1%[c]Independent [c]26[c]16%[c]Labour [c]41[c]26%[c]None of the Above[c]6[c]4%
State Opening of Parliament
His Majesty's carriage travels down the Mall towards the Palace of Westminster.
Following the conclusion of elections, His Majesty ( Alexander II ) opened parliament for the 23rd time. In his address to parliament he outlined his wish for an active premiership and set out his vision for the coming term. In the highly praised speech he laid out a detailed agenda, agreed with the Prime Minister beforehand, dealing with all major areas of government such as Culture, Foreign Affairs and Recruitment.
Wishing to co-operate closely with the new Prime Minister, His Majesty explained that the United Kingdom had experienced a slight but noticeable "downturn in activity", which with summer drawing near threatened the function of government. Speaking on the subject of Home Affairs, Alexander II recommended that the new Prime Minister, William Cavendish, pour every effort into recruiting. He warned that, despite the obvious benefits of having an automatic recruiting tool, the region should not become complacent and take for granted a rising nation count.
On the matter of Foreign Affairs, the King spoke of expanding the region's profile "overseas", explaining that this would make it easier to both recruit and retain citizens as well as safeguarding the UK in the event that the region is attacked in the future. This vision, outlined by the Monarch, is very much along the lines of that outlined by Mr Cavendish in his election campaign.
After speaking at length on other matters of government, King Alexander announced that newcomer Charles Sinclair ( Conservative ) would sit in parliament as one of the two Peers in the palace of Westminster. Lord Sinclair, the Lord Lucan, joins the Countess of Somerset ( Charlotte Stewart a former Monarch ) who was appointed a Peer near the end of the 22nd session and will carry on as a Lord of Parliament.
Having concluded his speech, His Majesty returned to the palace leaving parliament to get to work, starting with the business of electing a speaker. After some deliberation this was decided to be the Honourable Member for Scotland and only non-Conservative MP, Nigel Farage a former Prime Minister and current Culture Secretary.
Hitting the ground running, Parliament has immediately begun by debating whether to repeal the Regional Bank System Act (2013), part of the wider task of winding up the region's economy.
A full copy of His Majesty, King Alexander II's, address to parliament may be found here.
Prime Minister Announces Cabinet
Within a few hours of being elected Prime Minister, Sir William Cavendish announced his cabinet for the forthcoming term. Promising a mix of both old and new members, a cabinet of stability, he revealed his nine man team:-
Prime Minister: William Cavendish
*Deputy Prime Minister: Edwin T. de Clare
*Home Secretary: George de Clare
**Minister of Recruitment: Cameron M. Romefeller
*Foreign Secretary: Brum Brum
*Defence Secretary: Prince Michael R.E Stewart
*Culture Secretary: Nigel Farage
**Minister of Sport: Charles A.S Stewart
*Attorney General: Edwin T. de Clare
*Director of Military Intelligence: Prince Michael R.E Stewart
The new Prime Minister also announced his intention to conduct cabinet meetings in private, in the spirit of cabinet solidarity as it was felt that public cabinet meetings failed to encourage any proper scrutiny of government policy. Recognising the important nature of the coming term, Sir William invited His Majesty, Alexander II, to attend cabinet meetings: a nod to his previous experience as both a Prime Minister and veteran legislator.
With his chosen ministers officially announced, the new Premier immediately set about the task of governing the region. Repealing the economy, via Executive Order, and announcing a new regional census. It remains to be seen when Cavendish will introduce some of his more ambitious policy objectives but it is likely to be in the first half of the two month premiership.
Working internationally
We in His Majesty's Government send our humble greetings to all fellow regions of Nationstates. We will endeavour where possible to interact and engage with your regions, in the hope of fostering mutually beneficial dialogue and ties that will stand the test of time. In my capacity as the chief Foreign representative of His Majesty's Government, I trust I will be able to visit your region in the near future in order to better evaluate the future of UK foreign relations.
Population Rise
We in the government are proud to say that due to the dedication of our citizens we have reached 175 nations in the UK. We welcome all new nations and citizens and look forward to future increases in our already big population.
This update was brought to you by the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs ~
On behalf of His Majesty, His government and His citizens.
Respectfully, British Diplomatic Service