[CRIMINAL] Complaint against Karpathos


TNP Nation
Cormactopia III
Name of Plaintiff: The North Pacific

Name(s) of Defendant: Karpathos

Date(s) of Alleged Offense(s): 20 April 2013 - 30 April 2013

Specific Offense(s): Treason

Relevant Excerpts from Legal Code or other Laws:
TNP Legal Code Section 1.1: Treason:
2. "Treason" is defined as taking arms or providing material support to a group or region for the purpose of undermining or overthrowing the lawful government of The North Pacific or any of its treatied allies as governed by the Constitution.

Summary of Events (What happened, in your own words): Karpathos, acting through the nation Lint Roller, provided material support to the coup perpetrated against the Coalition of The South Pacific by Milograd.

Evidentiary Submissions:
[23:03] <+Karpathos> lol
[23:04] * +Karpathos is Lint Roller
[23:04] <+Karpathos> I would like to be appointed to something
[23:04] <+Karpathos> I have tons of feeder gov't experience
[23:04] <+mcmasterdonia> I appoint you as official government advisor
[23:04] <+Karpathos> april fools?
[23:05] <+mcmasterdonia> legit
[23:06] <+mcmasterdonia> I'm not sure to what government though
[23:06] <+mcmasterdonia> As I'm not involved in any
[23:09] <+Astarial> appoint me!
[23:09] <@Rongzhen> Join the bleeding region already.
[23:10] <+mcmasterdonia> Astarial you are Empress of the North Pacific, do you wish for more power?
[23:10] <+mcmasterdonia> TSP shall become your colony, then.
[23:12] <+Astarial> Always more power!
[23:12] <+Astarial> huzzah!
[23:13] <+mcmasterdonia> What does an Empress with money and power want? more money and power
[23:14] <+Astarial> duh
[23:14] <+Astarial> :D
[23:15] <+mcmasterdonia> :D:D
Anyone with further evidence related to the role of Karpathos/Lint Roller in the coup of TSP is of course encouraged to submit it to the Attorney General's office. I know there are likely RMB posts and possibly further IRC logs that could be submitted as evidence.

I have taken screen shots of all of the above posts as well.
Just wondering if there's a particular reason the Attorney General has filed charges against Tim that - unless I'm missing it - weren't filed by anyone (of course I know you can still file charges without any citizen filing a complaint), but still hasn't acted on this complaint against Karpathos.

Note: I'm not complaining that you haven't acted on this yet, I'm complaining that you've prioritized charges against Tim that no one even requested over complaints that were already in the docket for more than a month.