Fiqh Hearing on Amusing IRC Quotes

Flemingovia, please lend your common sense judgement.

If mcmasterdonia is also willing, we do humbly seek a determination from you, doth the quote he posted qualify as "Amusing IRC Logs"

Amusing IRC Logs:
<+Chasmanthe> how are you?
<+Asta> pretty good thanks. Just preparing some cat for lunch
<+Chasmanthe> you eat cats?
<+Asta> yeah
<+Chasmanthe> that's pretty shocking
<+Asta> Only on weekends
<+Asta> They aren't my cats or anything.
<+Chasmanthe> OHHH
<+Chasmanthe> that's ok then

He thinks he's hilarious but I'm not so sure.
You are wise beyond your years to bring this matter to the Fiqh for judgement rather than to the constitutional court. No doubt if you had done so the attorneys and judges would have removed their heads from their own arses with a loud *pop* just long enough to look down their noses at you.

They would then have gone into silent retreat for several months before producing a long, rambling judgement which would have concluded that there was nothing in the constitution that covers this.

In all probability, Gaspo would then have pointed out that you do not, actually, exist at all.

However, the Fiqh has always considered itself the servant of the people of TNP rather than their superior, so here is the judgement:

Joseph Addison once said, "Among all kinds of Writing, there is none in which Authors are more apt to miscarry than in Works of Humour, as there is none in which they are more ambitious to excel."

Mcm is to be applauded for his attempt at humour here. He is trying. However, in the eyes of the court he has, indeed, miscarried here. The quote was not as "amusing" as McM seems to have thought.

McM is encouraged to keep posting, and to keep passing on amusing bon mots which happen on IRC. However, he is also encouraged to read the things he is about to post two or three times first. If he still finds them funny, they probably are.

This judgement was delivered with speed, common sense and decisiveness. Constitutional court take note. It CAN be done, if you have the ability.
Thank you.

I also applaud mcmasterdonia's efforts, and I accept this judgement.

It is my hope that he too will benefit from this ruling.
You know Flem, there's only so many times we can hear how we're fucking useless and incompetent and so on before we just get utterly sick and tired of it.
You know Flem, there's only so many times we can hear how we're fucking useless and incompetent and so on before we just get utterly sick and tired of it.
Bel, I ask that you respect the dignity of this court and quit with the spamming and treating the fiqh like your personal playground.
You know Flem, there's only so many times we can hear how we're fucking useless and incompetent and so on before we just get utterly sick and tired of it.
I mean, it would probably annoy everyone else if it weren't true.
You know Flem, there's only so many times we can hear how we're fucking useless and incompetent and so on before we just get utterly sick and tired of it.
Bel, I ask that you respect the dignity of this court and quit with the spamming and treating the fiqh like your personal playground.
And besides, there are no more empty swings on the swing-set!

Breaking News from The TNP!.....

No More Room On The Fiqh Court Swing-Set! Belschaft Furious!

(TNP Wire - Magicality City, 14 April 2013)


Supplicants to the Flemingovian Fiqh Court await the dispensing of justice. Belschaft furious that The Court of The North Pacific has no swing-set. Demands immediate seating on the swing-set.


Several high members of government constructing the new Fiqh Gallows...I mean swing-set.


The Flemingovia God soundly castigates Belschaft for his intrusion and sends him off for 'time out' in the corner. "You'll swing for this as soon as one of the children gives you a chance!"
You know Flem, there's only so many times we can hear how we're fucking useless and incompetent and so on before we just get utterly sick and tired of it.
Yet nothing changes.