Pope Lexus X

Update II - 28/3/13
Forum: Gatesville
Region: Gatesville Inc
Population: 214 nations
WA Endorsements: 37 (Guard Deployed)
High Council:
Nevadar - High Queen
Gates - Grand Poobah
Noctaurus - WA Delegate
Kraut Killers - Forum Administrator
Sudros - General of the Army
Mr. Eviscerator - Internal Affairs Advocate
Pope Lexus X - Theological Advocate
Ukaraine - Court Jester
The West Pacific

Recent events in The West Pacific saw the WA Delegate Yy4u withdraw his WA membership, placing the region into a precarious position. TWP had recently been discussing internal restructuring which saw divisions between the region's Guardian class. At the time of Yy4u's withdrawal from the WA Gatesville was approached by TWP Guardian Eli, who held the most WA endorsements in TWP, to ensure that an uncontested transition occurred in an effort to preserve the community that exists in TWP from any potential outside threat. Gatesville is pleased to assist while this period of restructuring is being debated and implemented by the citizens of TWP. We look forward to maintaining our historically close and long-standing ties with the government of TWP.
200 Nations!

Gatesville is proud to announce that over 200 nations have returned to the region or joined for the first time. This is a fantastic achievement in so short a time and a testament to the dedication of our members, particularly Durkadurkiranistan, and the strength of the Gatesville message.
Graphics Master Moves In

One of the most familiar names in all of NationStates is the graphic designer extraordinaire, Tweedy, who has set up an area in Gatesville. We're honoured to have his talents on display here and hope nations pop over to view his work themselves!
WA Round-Up

The most heart-warming words a Gatesvillian can hear end with 'is no longer obligated to comply with its provisions.' In the last few days, the Vehicle Emissions Convention and First Responder Protection Act were repealed with more than 10,000 votes in favour of each repeal. A landslide victory for Gatesville and other National Sovereigntists and a clear indicator that the world is waking up to the dangers presented by the national obligations forced by the WA.
Comedy Zone