Amendment to Section 3.1 of the Legal Code


TNP Nation
Section 3.1: The Attorney General
2. The Attorney General will be elected during Judicial Elections.
3. The Attorney General must not have been convicted of any crime in the North Pacific.
4. The Attorney General will serve as Chief Prosecutor in all cases brought before the Court of the North Pacific.
5. It is the duty of the Attorney General to see to completion any proceeding they are prosecuting.
6. If the original Attorney General is unable to complete a pending case, the successor Attorney General will take over as prosecutor and complete the pending proceedings.
7. The Attorney General may request expedited judicial review of any executive action by any official.
8. The Attorney General may deny filing of charges to the Court. Upon denial the plaintiff may appeal the Attorney General's Decision to the full Court. If the Denial is overruled by the Court the Case will move forward to Trial.

This gives permission for the AG to deny moving a case to trial. It also adds a method for the plaintiff to appeal the decision.

[me]notes that this took him a whopping 2 minutes to write. It has been bitched about since the Court made the ruling in September.
*shrug* I don't happen to think it's necessary - under the current system, there's nothing to stop the AG (and I intend to do this) from investigating (as is reasonable and should happen in all cases) and then submitting an indictment to the Court with a recommendation attached indicating whether the AG believes the case should proceed to trial. I feel like it's more efficient as it is now, in a sense, because it forces the AG to investigate everything (which is fine), and preserves the full court's review over accepting of indictments (and everything that wasn't accepted under this bill would just be appealed anyways, so...)

I do agree with your tiny text, though.
I like it. Not every crackpot with an ax to grind should be entitled to commandeer the AG's office in service of his pet peeve. Let our elected officials have some latitude to exercise common sense. I disagree that all of the complaints will be appealed. Sometimes crackpots and loonies are only looking for a soapbox. A firm refusal from the AG may be enough to send them packing.
Great Bights Mum:
I like it. Not every crackpot with an ax to grind should be entitled to commandeer the AG's office in service of his pet peeve. Let our elected officials have some latitude to exercise common sense. I disagree that all of the complaints will be appealed. Sometimes crackpots and loonies are only looking for a soapbox. A firm refusal from the AG may be enough to send them packing.
With all due respect, I don't think you pay enough attention to the workings of the judicial system to understand just how petty, pedantic, and litigious TNP has become over the last year.