Amendment to Article 3.9 of the Constitution


TNP Nation
9. The Delegate and Vice Delegate will be elected by the Regional Assembly by a majority vote every four months. No person may serve more than two consecutive terms as Delegate.
9. The Delegate and Vice Delegate will be elected by the Regional Assembly by a majority vote every four months. No person may serve more than two consecutive terms or no more than ten consecutive months as Delegate. Upon leaving Office the term limit requirement will reset after a period of four months.

Just adds that nobody can serve for 10 consecutive months as Delegate. Also adds a reset period of 4 months. Meaning that if someone leaves mid term in their second term in office they have to allow a period of 4 months to reset their eligibility.
Why not eight months?
I hate term limits to begin with but IMO they work here. I think limiting it to eight months would harm the process. Four months is the equivalent of one term.
The 10 month requirement allows for someone to run in a Special Election where the term would be 2 months or less and still be eligible for two terms of their own.
I don't particularly like it, but maybe I'm not understanding it. I mean, if a Delegate is recalled/resigns within the first two months of taking office, their successor is bound to serve less than 8 months? (As in they can't run in a consecutive General election after the one following the special election) Or resign after serving 10 months?
It makes sense to me. If they serve more than half a term after winning a special election, they don't get two more full terms.

EDIT: Although, we may need a clause stating that you can't run for a term that you cannot constitutionally finish. So no running in a general election after being in office 7 months, and resigning three months in.
Crushing Our Enemies:
It makes sense to me. If they serve more than half a term after winning a special election, they don't get two more full terms.

EDIT: Although, we may need a clause stating that you can't run for a term that you cannot constitutionally finish. So no running in a general election after being in office 7 months, and resigning three months in.
Agreed on the edit comment.

I don't see what the problem is with people serving two terms following a special election.
I'd just say that no person may serve more than X months out of any 16, where X is either 8 or 10 depending on whether we want to give leeway to serve 2 1/2 terms.
I think it should remain as it is. Ability to run in two consecutive General election, unable to run for a third. If elected in a Special Election first off, you can still serve two full terms. Basically, leave it as it is. Or remove Term limits entirely.
I think it should remain as it is. Ability to run in two consecutive General election, unable to run for a third. If elected in a Special Election first off, you can still serve two full terms. Basically, leave it as it is. Or remove Term limits entirely.
The new Court overruled that precedent with their most recent ruling.
I'm sorry, what?
If you don't have a period of time for the eligibility to reset you will run into someone who will attempt to run for a third term and then only be able to serve for two months.

Looking at the question the way I think you were, I don't see an issue with that. If there is a special election in which only two months are left that could be workable.

If that is something that we really want to get into legislating though it would be more proper to just abolish term limits.
How about:
9. The Delegate and Vice Delegate will be elected by the Regional Assembly by a majority vote every four months. No person may serve more than two consecutive terms as Delegate. A person cannot be a candidate for Delegate in a general election if they have held the office of Delegate in both the four-month periods between the previous two general elections.
It's longer wording than the proposal but in my view is more clear cut.

A disadvantage is it might limit someone to only 5 months when they could have gone on and on, but they still get to run in the general election after that and go on for another 8 months, which I think is fine as I'm in favour of term limits and I think this is the way to do it. Hile's proposal is also good. This one is more hardline I guess.
I agree with Eluvatar and I disagree with Kiwi and McMasterdonia regarding term limits.

I agree with Hileville's proposal (OP) but not with the idea of getting rid of term limits.

Here's another version:
9. The Delegate and Vice Delegate will be elected by the Regional Assembly by a majority vote every four months. No person may serve more than two consecutive terms as Delegate. For this purpose a term is defined as a four-month period between two general elections, and serving part of the term equates to serving that term.
How about this:
9. The Delegate and Vice Delegate will be elected by the Regional Assembly by a majority vote every four months. No person shall be elected Delegate to a full or partial term in three consecutive election cycles.
Of the options to prevent people from running in a special election and then two general elections, I would support this one. However, I still have no issue with people doing that, and would prefer an abolition of term limits.
Just to be clear, this would also prevent someone from being elected for two full terms, and then being elected in a special election for the remainder of the following term (i.e., Eluvatar's situation in the current election). In other words, partial and full terms are equivalent for the purposes of term limits.

I am in favor of this, and like Punk's version.
punk d:
Hileville - are you ok with this version?
This really doesn't change anything. Based on the recent Court decision the current wording does what this version would.

If that is what everyone wants though I am okay with it.
Originally I wasn't keen on this amendment since I personally didn't see an issue with someone serving say..2 and a hafl terms. However, after having thought this through a little more, it has my support. Therefore, I support this going to a vote.
I move we vote on this, as edited by Punk.
Just so I'm totally clear, can you go ahead and provide a version of the proposal including punk's edit? I don't want to do it myself in case I accidentally put something at vote that you did not actually move.
Amendment to Article 3.9 of the Constitution

Article 3.9 of the Constitution of The North Pacific is hereby amended to read as follows,
9. The Delegate and Vice Delegate will be elected by the Regional Assembly by a majority vote every four months. No person shall be elected Delegate to a full or partial term in three consecutive election cycles.