Alvino Castillon

Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone,
I am here to proudly announce that the Executive Council has recently approved of the new Mentor Program Design. Today, we are proud to announce that the Mentor Program has officially begun.
I know that there will be a lot of questions on how this new Mentor Program will work... well actually, it's not one. There will be five, one for each Ministry. For more information, I have prepared an FAQ below to explain it.
Mentor Program FAQ:Q1: Why have the Mentor Program?
A1: The Mentor Program allows for people who excel at certain aspects of NationStates to have a chance to make a difference in the region. As representatives of the Ministry they signed up for, they teach new and old players alike how to excel at their areas of interest. Mentors benefit by gaining experience in teaching and advising and also have a job in the regional government that they can build upon in the future. Those mentored by the program learn new skills and become productive members of the North Pacific and NationStates in general. Finally, the program in general helps to improve activity in the region as a whole and forge stronger bonds and friendships between Mentors and "Students."
Q1: How does the Mentor Program work?
A1: In the program, each Ministry would have its own Mentor Program. To help provide experience and build on leadership qualities, the Ministers may assign the coordination of the Mentor Program to Deputy Ministers and have the Ministers step in to assist when there is a backlog of applications or if the Deputy Minister needs to take a leave of absence.
Q2: Why not put all in one and have one Ministry handle it?
A2: We've realized it would be easier to have a Mentor Program for each Ministry because it would definitely overwhelm that Ministry. Also, the one that holds the Mentor Program would end up having to coordinate with the rest of the Ministries anyways. Therefore, it would simply be easier to just have five different Mentor Programs.
Q3: Who can apply to be a Mentor and how?
A3: Anyone can apply to be a Mentor if they prove they are specialized in the field they are applying to.
Q4: Can a Mentor be in different Mentor Programs at the same time?
A4: Of course! If they excel in multiple areas, they should be allowed to help in different areas.
Q5: Is there a form for requesting a mentor at the bottom?
A5: Yes... how did you know? STOP READING MY MIND!
Q6: There's a certain person that knows me and we're pretty close... and I think they're so awesome an-
A6: Okay okay... got it. You (a "Student") want a specific Mentor, You (a Mentor) want to teach a specific person, or both at the same time. Totally acceptable. It is suggested that you privately message the Minister that you have a specific person you want to work with. The Minister will contact said person. If they accept, you will be assigned to them.
Q7: My question isn't here. What do I do?
A7: Post below and feel free to ask questions. If it asked enough or important enough, it will be added to the FAQ.
Mentor Application:Name:
Nation in TNP:
Are you an RA Member:
Experience in the Field of this Ministry:
Are you a Mentor in other Ministries:
This will be the new design of the Mentor Program. The Ministries will begin their Mentor Programs in the coming weeks and anyone is welcome to apply to be a Mentor or a Student in any Ministry.Student Application:Name:
Nation in TNP:
Are you an RA Member:
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to post below.