Help Desk


TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda
Ask for help on any of these matters right here:

  • How do I play NationStates?
  • What is this forum for?
  • How does TNP's government work?
  • Would it be okay if I did ____ in TNP or on this forum?
  • How do I become ____?
  • Etc.

I will be tracking helpfulness and try to give recognition to those who are helpful :)
Help Desk Response

Welcome to the NationStates and the region of The North Pacific!

This message will seek to explain how to play NationStates.


NationStates is a free nation simulation game. It was created by Max Barry You create and rule your country, Whether you want is to be democratic or despotic. it is up to you.


A region is the location where you want to put your nation. Many regions are region-states, behaving like a country with the nations as their citizens; you can choose a peaceful region or a raiding region. For now, since your nation has just been founded you are in the wonderful region of The North Pacific. You can find other regions you may like in this list, or you can create a region. Obviously, we in TNP would love for you to stick around with us :)

The North Pacific?

The North Pacific is one of the game's feeder regions. The game Administration founded it for new nations. It is the largest region in the world and globally known for it's love of cheese and rum.

The World Assembly

The World Assembly is the world's governing body. It's your chance to turn the world to your vision, by voting for resolutions you like and discarding the rest. However, it's a double-edged sword, because your nation will be affected by any resolutions that pass. Whether you vote or not, your nation will be affected by the results. It is like a real nation but on the internet.

Role Play

Many players like to Role Play their actual NationStates nation interacting with other nations, nearby or distant. We have a Regional Role Play board and on the onsite forum there is a section for Diplomacy. The World Assembly boards also see some in character behavior.

For more help information visit: The Faq Page

90% of this response written by Prince Windsor and revised by Eluvatar
How does the Govenment work?
TNP has 4 branches of government.

The legislative branch consists of the Regional Assembly, which anyone can join. It can amend the constitution, pass laws, ratify treaties, and elect officials.

The Regional Assembly elects the Delegate, who leads the Executive Branch, and the Justices, who are the Judicial Branch. It also elects the Vice Delegate who leads the Security Council and replaces the Delegate if they leave or are removed.

The Delegate currently holds elections for an executive Council of Five to run the executive branch.

The Court of TNP handles trials and has the power of judicial review.

The Security Council is a fourth branch of government and its purposes are to enforce recall of the Delegate by the Assembly and to provide a line of succession past the Vice Delegate (in case of disaster). It is expected to admit nations with high influence who can be trusted not to pull a coup d'etat.
I have refounded Dockport and wish to be reinstated into the regional assembly.
Lord Byron:
Can someone have more than 1 registered User Account on the TNP Forum (Multying)?
It would seem so, according to the General Rules.
Multying - (having more than one registered name on the forum) is frowned upon and is an underhanded thing to do - Trust is an important commodity in the forum, multing will damage your credibility. Having non-UN "puppets" is perfectly acceptable.
This does not explicitly state that it is illegal.
The understanding is that different TNP Nations would be used for each User Accont.

Is having a User Account the same as being a Registered Citizen?

To become a TNP RA Member, it is very clear that the associated TNP Nation does not have to be a WA Member, according to the Membership Application Rules.
Additionally, these rules seem to imply that someone could register each of their TNP Nations into the RA as long as they are not ''intentionally deceiving''.
Chapter 1: Criminal Code
__Section 1.4: Fraud
____10. ''Fraud'' is defined as an intentional deception, by falsehood or omission, made for some benefit or to damage another individual.
__Section 1.6: Proxying
____17. "Proxying" is defined as use of a proxy server to render a forum user anonymous or any practice which allows a member multiple accounts.

Although proxying in order to deceptively have multiple accounts is illegal, it does not seem to be illegal to have multiple accounts without ''proxying''.

Thus, theoretically, someone could create 100 TNP Nations, Register them all as citizens under different TNP Forum User Accounts, Register them all as RA members, and vote using each said Nation.

Although my interpretation may be incorrect, I recommend to change the General Rules to explicitly state that "Multying" is illegal.
They use a service to detect porxys'.

But thanks for the help!

I applied for an RA membership and a citizenship on January 6th. I haven't received any of these two because I am told that the links to my nation don't work. I'm new to NS so I am not really sure what those links are. Is there something I can do to fix them? Or does it just mean that my application has been denied and that I should move my nation to another region? I PMed the Speaker about this but I understand that this is a very busy time, with the election and other things going on in court, so I'm posting my questions here in case anyone knows the answers and has some time to help me.

Thank you very much!

I applied for an RA membership and a citizenship on January 6th. I haven't received any of these two because I am told that the links to my nation don't work. I'm new to NS so I am not really sure what those links are. Is there something I can do to fix them? Or does it just mean that my application has been denied and that I should move my nation to another region? I PMed the Speaker about this but I understand that this is a very busy time, with the election and other things going on in court, so I'm posting my questions here in case anyone knows the answers and has some time to help me.

Thank you very much!
You linked your nation 'pre-title' + name on your nation link. Post it just as 'linkiton' by removing 'the community' from the link.

I applied for an RA membership and a citizenship on January 6th. I haven't received any of these two because I am told that the links to my nation don't work. I'm new to NS so I am not really sure what those links are. Is there something I can do to fix them? Or does it just mean that my application has been denied and that I should move my nation to another region? I PMed the Speaker about this but I understand that this is a very busy time, with the election and other things going on in court, so I'm posting my questions here in case anyone knows the answers and has some time to help me.

Thank you very much!
You linked your nation 'pre-title' + name on your nation link. Post it just as 'linkiton' by removing 'the community' from the link.
Thank you so much for your help, Jamie. However, unless I'm looking at the wrong link, I'd already changed "The Community of Linkiton" into just "Linkiton" after Elu had told me the link was broken (that was on January 11th), but apparently the link still wasn't working when flemingovia tried running me through last saturday... I've tried changing the capital "L" for a small "l" now... I guess I'll see what happens. This simply beats me :lol: . Sorry for bothering everyone with that :/.
Thank you so much. I plan to run in July, is it possible to nominate yourself and how do you do it.

Assuming you're talking about one of the cabinet positions, delegate or vice delegate, you need to join the Regional Assembly. The application thread is here

EDIT: Which it appears you have already done :) When nomination threads open you can self-nominate. They'll open before the actual voting for elections.