Request for Comments


TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda
I've made some changes on the test forum's copy of the SC Records page -- making the default time range be the last 2-4 weeks and adding 2-week shift navigation links.

Please post here if you find anything broken or have any suggestions or concerns.

Thank you :)
Just thoughts.

I love the default 2 weeks :hug: , but would it be possible to also add a button (or buttons) that let you choose a given time range? Like past month, past 6 months, past year? I know you can change them in the address at the top, but without zooming in you can't see the time range and therefore adjust it manually. A possible solution would also be if you could make the address default to show the timestamps.

Other random things. What dictates who shows up in the list below? In the current one there are multiple pages but on the test forum one there are only a few nations. And some of those are odd ones with no endos at all... Can there also be a "select none" option? It can be annoying to scroll the pages and find the ones you don't want sometimes.
Choosing a time range can be tricky, but I could as a separate development cycle add in some date picker to do that.

You can zoom in to a particular time range directly by clicking on the graph and dragging across the time of interest.

I don't know what making the address default to show the timestamps means.

The nations shown in the list for selection are the nations that have data in the timerange selected. The current version selects "all time" by default, so it gets a pretty long list. The test forum selects the last 2-4 weeks by default, so it gets a much shorter list.

I can look into making select none / select all buttons. I'm not sure that I'd be easily able to roll my own.