At Vote: Vehicle Emissions Convention [Complete] [Complete]


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
Vote Aye, Nay or Abstain.

Vehicle Emissions Convention:
Description: Commending the efforts of many WA member nations to improving the quality of the environment and their willingness of to adapt feasible approaches towards achieving this.

Believing that the reduction of waste emissions from the automotive sector is an international issue with significant climate implications, no simple solutions and no national boundaries and that every nation and industry should accept a collective responsibility and affirmative response attitude towards improving.

Noting that waste products/emissions from mechanical forms of transportation such as cars, buses, trains, shipping, and air travel, constitute a significant source of atmospheric pollutants.

Intending to reduce the environmental impact made by WA member nations through their automotive industries and general automotive operations,

Defines for the purpose of this act;

(i) "Automobile" as a vehicle designed for the carriage of goods or people powered either fully, or in part by an internal combustion engine.

(ii) "Emissions" as the harmful gas bi-products released into the atmosphere as a direct result of the burning of carbon-based fuels (such as coal, natural gas, and petroleum products) via an internal combustion engine or likewise device equivalent in function ie; carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide.


(i) Mandates that member-states take all practical and effective measures to make a meaningful and good-faith effort towards reducing vehicular emissions, including the institution of a progressive schedule of reduction in the amount of emissions produced by automobiles manufactured after the passage of this resolution.

(ii) Understands that the automotive industry by nature goes through developmental stages and therefore encourages the automotive industry to adhere to the progressive schedule of reduction as much as is practicable while mandating regular figures to be provided to government agencies reflecting said improvements and ensuring that all entities are actually progressing towards this goal.

(iii) Mandates the creation of the "International Vehicular Emissions Authority" committee to review the data from clause (ii) annually to ensure compliance with clause (i) and (ii) respectively.

(iv) Encourages the automotive industry to set a target and strive towards said target of a 75% reduction in vehicle emissions in comparison to current levels.

(v) Encourages governments to offer incentives to the automotive industry to achieve the target set out in clause (iv).

(vi) Encourages governments to offer incentives to citizens to purchase vehicles which produce lower emissions than others available on the market.

(vii) Mandates the automotive industry set aside proportionate funding to research and develop engines and technologies which will further offset emissions from their products
The WA Affairs Ministry took into consideration several factors when compiling an opinion on this piece of legislation. Looking first at the topic at hand we can see that a worthy subject is being addressed: concerns regarding international pollution. We must then turn to the actual wording of the resolution for further analysis.

The preamble and definitional clauses are all acceptable, and the first three clauses appear to be reasonable in achieving the resolutions stated goal of reducing emissions and thereby reducing pollution. Trouble is encountered, however, when the fourth operative clause is examined:
(iv) Encourages the automotive industry to set a target and strive towards said target of a 75% reduction in vehicle emissions in comparison to current levels.
To this Ministry the clause appears to be a clear contradiction, wherein it states that automotive industries may set a target goal to achieve, but then states what the target is.

The final operative clauses are standard environmental concerns and methods.

If you believe that regulating the automotive industry under any circumstances by the WA is unacceptable, that this resolution does not go far enough to regulate them, that the fourth operative clause is too large an error to allow onto the books of international law, or that the GA should not exist, this office encourages you to vote AGAINST.

If you believe that the subject matter at hand requires GA legislation and that this bill is moderate enough to be palatable but not so moderate as to be useless and that the error in operative clause 4 is either not an error or not a large concern, then this office encourages you to vote FOR.

If you do not care, are confused by this review, or simply are torn between both sides, then this office encourages you to ABSTAIN.

I am fully in support of the International Community mandating a reduction in pollution.
However, this resolution was poorly written and as such I cannot support it.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.