What positive change would you bring to the MoFA and MoWA?
Well in relation to MoWA, while I want to make clear that I think Elu is doing a more than adequate job, I think I could approach the situation from a much different perspective. I have a great deal of experience in the General Assembly, and while I would continue to provide the Information TGs, I think that increased presence in the GA would enhance the influence of TNP.
TNP has a whole host of experienced resolution writers at its disposal, and I think active support of those authors and indeed the drafting process as a whole would be a good route to go down. If elected MoWA I would constantly update the region of upcoming drafts, and not just those in the queue. I would relay concerns of citizens to proposal authors too, if they preferred not to do it themselves.
Although I would usually prefer not to do so I will break from my usual methods and start drafting proposals on the TNP board itself, if just to lead by example. I'd like to get as many TNP voices chime in as possible and when presenting it, I'd like to present any and all resolutions I do here on the board as a collaborative TNP effort.
I also think it's important to recognise the work that goes into the drafting process, and to that end I'd like to see the experienced WA members that we have on the board mentor or help, as it were, newer members who want to get involved, but don't have the experience and/or ability just yet. The GA forum itself can often be a dog eat dog world I think that puts off potential new authors. Easing them into that through participating in the WA process on the TNP forum might be beneficial.
As for MoFA, I'm aware of the various relationships and alliances that TNP has with other regions, specifically other feeders/sinkers, and I'd like to try and expand that as best as possible. As I've said, I'm not the greatest fan of R/D, so while I would acknowledge and value military alliances, if elected it is likely I would ask the MoD to take point on any such problems or potential links that may arise. I think that treaties could go beyond just the current military and sometimes political role, and that cultural links and friendships could be emphasised and created through treaties of their own. I'd liaise of course with the MoC&E in this regard.
As I'm currently MoFA of the IDU, an allied region, if elected I would resign that post to avoid any potential conflicts of interest.