The Court will now here the matter of Flemingovia v. Grosseschnauzer. Flemingovia has accused the defendant of the following
The Defendant will have until 1/23/13 @ 12:00am EDT to respond to these accusations.
- Accused the plaintiff of giving biased counsel so as to favor the plaintiff’s "political ally", Blue Wolf.
- Accused the plaintiff of advising moderator actions in a way that is "blatantly political", in order to "achieve my[the plaintiff’s] own aims".
- Accused the plaintiff of embarking on a "relentelessly never-ending campiagn", undermining the defendant’s authority as Root admin by claiming that he [the defendant] ""stole" the root admin account from the plaintiff.
- Accused the plaintiff of "unilateral abuse of my [the plaintiff’s] admin powers."
The Defendant will have until 1/23/13 @ 12:00am EDT to respond to these accusations.