Motion to recall AJ Gaspo

Well actually, even if I did withdraw my second, its been seconded by Kingborough as well.

Let's just get this over with and show solidarity with the AJ by voting it down with an embarrassingly disproportionate majority.
So this is pretty much the definition of frivolous recall.
says the delegate who got couped ?
Right-o. If Osiris' delegate doesn't have a problem with Gaspo's actions, there is no reason we should. It would save everyone the rigmarole if the motion was just withdrawn.
One brief note, since commentary in the voting thread is frowned upon, I would like to explain that I abstained from the vote because it's not my place to decide the will of the people on this matter. I've said my piece; if the people want me out, out I go. It's not right for me to cast a vote in this circumstance, I don't believe.
Normally when there's a conflict of interest, one votes "present" and because "abstain" is the nearest TNP has to that, I figured that's why you did it.

Don't fret!