Nickname?: Jebadiah
Main Nation?: Republic of States
Home Region?: The North Pacific
Military Alignment? Are you active militarily?: Yes. Small
RL Country?: blank
Favourite Colour?: Red, Color of rage, power, love, blood, and apples
Do you use IRC?: Sometimes.
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: In the middle my nation runs with 3 states liberal and 3 states conservative with one that is independent. Head of State is elected by the people every 7 years.
Do you enjoy Roleplay or games?: Love Sim City 4!
Main Nation?: Republic of States
Home Region?: The North Pacific
Military Alignment? Are you active militarily?: Yes. Small
RL Country?: blank
Favourite Colour?: Red, Color of rage, power, love, blood, and apples

Do you use IRC?: Sometimes.
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: In the middle my nation runs with 3 states liberal and 3 states conservative with one that is independent. Head of State is elected by the people every 7 years.
Do you enjoy Roleplay or games?: Love Sim City 4!