Christmas Recess


For one week from 20th december the Regional Assembly will be in recess. People may debate as usual, and vote in open voting threads, but votes will not be opened or closed during that week. Voting periods will be extended as necessary to cover the week of recess.

I want to make sure that those afk over the holdiays do not miss a thing.
In regards to the Amendment Gaspo has put forth, will that be brought to a vote in the next day or two or will it be after the Recess?

EDIT: Also, since the Associate Justice Special Elections will be concluding on 20 December at 12 PM EST, will that be extended?
Decision on elections are down to the election commissioners. Votes may well be opened before the recess, but will extend beyond it.
Decision on elections are down to the election commissioners. Votes may well be opened before the recess, but will extend beyond it.
I see.

In regards to Regional Assembly application, will any new or pending applicants also be deferred until after the recess?
For one week from 20th december the Regional Assembly will be in recess. People may debate as usual, and vote in open voting threads, but votes will not be opened or closed during that week. Voting periods will be extended as necessary to cover the week of recess.

I want to make sure that those afk over the holdiays do not miss a thing.
Thank you sir, and may you have a Merry Christmas.
Thank you Flem, I consider this to be a wise decision.

In regards to elections, they end on the 20th, they will not be extended.