ARCHIVED: Players with Personas

From the personal journal of Lord Byron, the Supreme Leader of God n Country n Byron.

Dear diary journal,
When I woke this morning, I had a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. I'd had a terrible dream. I had to tell you right away.
Instead of being an incredibly handsome and wise 30-something ruler of the greatest nation in The North Pacific, I was a lonely and pathetic 20-something, addicted to "the Internet". I wasted most of my time on "websites" like YouTube, Facebook, NationStates, and The North Pacific forum. (I think you can see where this is going!)
NationStates was not real; it was only an "Internet" game, where people created nations out of nothingness, and acted as the ruler when in reality they were only game players with personas. It was the most unholy vision I'd ever experienced.
Thank Max it was only a dream!
Well, I've got lots of cabinet meetings to get to and issues to decide. For some reason the economy is kinda in the tank right now, so I gotta raise the taxes a little more. Wish me luck!
^^ Brilliant concept!

( OOC: Now there would by a hysterical idea for a novel! Someone discovers that the internet game they are playing is in fact real life while what they thought was real life was in fact an internet game!).