I'd be fine with that, if you were proposing some means of replacing the current system with a better one. You're not. All I've seen you say so far is that you want to get rid of the current system. If you want to replace it with something, by all means, put forward some legislation. I can't support simply removing the current requirements, even if you give me your word and a pinky-swear that you'll add a replacement system later. You know as well as I do that it's much easier to just get the stuff removed in one go, because later it will simply look like the addition of more bureaucracy, and will be easy to defeat. If you truly want to change it to a different system, what's stopping you from proposing legislation to actually make those reforms?unibot:Of course it makes sense.Gaspo:So what you're saying, then, is that we should do security checks about these sorts of things, but place all the burden for information gathering on the officials conducting those checks, rather than asking the RA to provide information for the existing checks which already take place? I'm sorry, that just doesn't make any sense to me.
If you're a compliance inspector, you do routine checks out of the blue on places. You don't put an institution in charge of determining when their own inspection occurs (unless you're the government with flexible election dates).