Voting: Vice Delegate Special Election


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
Vice Delegate Special Election

Voting for the Vice Delegate elections has now opened. Voting will remain opened until November 29th @ 08:45pm GMT (10:45pm EST).

You may vote privately by messaging the Delegate directly if you wish.

Nation in TNP [nation][/nation]
WA Nation: [nation][/nation]

Vice Delegate: < Biyah | Blue Wolf | Abstain | Kiwi | Funkadelia| Kingborough | Chasmanthe |Scandigrad | Romanoffia | Thomas Insaniac | Aurora DiLaurentis | DRUK | New Kervoskia | present >

If you don't wish to vote for a candidate please vote PRESENT.
Nation in TNP Chasmanthe
WA Nation: Iridaceae

Vice Delegate: < Biyah | Blue Wolf | Abstain | Kiwi | Funkadelia| Kingborough | Chasmanthe |Scandigrad | Romanoffia | Thomas Insaniac | Aurora DiLaurentis | DRUK >
*Election Commissioners Note*

My apologies, I had for some reason not placed New Kervoskia on the Voting ballot. He is on the ballot now, if you wish to vote for him you certainly can. My apologies to NK for the mistake.