11 November, 1918 - 11:11, GMT


Garde à l'eau!
On 11 November 1919 at 11 minutes past 11:00 hours gmt, the last shot of the First World War was fired. Even though all those who served in that war are most assuredly gone, take the time to remember the efforts and sacrifice of those who fought in that war and all wars. Most of those who served were the same age as most of the people on this forum. They gave their lives in hopes that their war would be 'The War to End All Wars'. It was that very hope of a 'War to End All Wars" for which they sacrificed their lives.

Both of my Grandfathers fought in that war, along with their brothers. When I was younger, I still remember numerous veterans of "The Great War" but they have all since vanished to the grave.

So, on this day, be it Rememberance Day, Armistice Day or Veterans day, take a minute to have a moment of silence at 11:11 am this morning wherever you are for those sacrificed above and beyond the call of duty in hopes that others would never again have to do the same.


Lancashire Fusiliers @ Beaumont Hamel, 1916.
My grandfather fought in that war. He was gassed and suffered health problems from it for the rest of his life. My father fought in WWII and suffered PTSD. They didn't diagnose it back then, and the cure was "pull yourself together and go get a job in the mill." Today he will have a free lunch at Applebees.