Motion to recall the Speaker

"I vote Aye" is not within violation of the rules. "Aye, reluctantly" is. The first is simply voting, the second is adding a comment to it.
[Speaker hat on] I will be appointing Flemingovia as Special Temporary Assistant Speaker to manage this motion to recall as the Deputy Speaker is engaged elsewhere and both the Speaker and Speaker Pro Tempore have a conflict of interest in this matter. The STAP shall be processing this motion after the present Recall of Eluvatar is completed.
Why does one need to vote with huge font, in bold and purple-colored text anyway? Why not just, you know, vote in plaintext?
[Special Temporary Assistant Speaker hat on] In accordance with RA procedure, after this thread has been open 48 hours it will move to a vote in the voting forum
Horable RA Members,
So childish. Honestly, I despair when this is the paddy thrown by a senior member of tnp.
Not just a senior member but the root admin of our forums as well.

This motion is ridiculous and I am absolutely disgusted by your behavior here, Grosse.
Let us emphatically implore the member who's Nation-Capital is closest to Grosseschnauzer's (probably GBM's according to The Official Map) to please go to his house to check on him. I suspect that his little brother is using his Account maliciously.

Seriously though, I appreciate greatly Grosse's contribution to the TNP Region and forum, and deeply hope that any criticism he has received does not negatively affect future contributions!

And why can't we use different fonts and colors to express ourselves or humor ourselves (or others)?!?!

Supreme Leader Lord Byron
God n Country n Byron
I welcome the opportunity to vote on this issue. I suspect everyone will know where I stand on this issue without having to resort to histrionics.