ARCHIVED: Letters to Home

On October 24, I had made a decision about my living standards. Although I enjoyed my nice quiet life, I knew I wanted something more out of my life. Early on in my life, I had lived in a big city with a lot of other nations... but I was really scared about talking to them. Eventually, I left for a number of small regions and had a number of cool experiences. I lived in a sense of comfort and security for the most part in each region.

...But it wasn't enough for me. I felt somewhat isolated still. As I talked to a few friends from far away, they told me about the North Pacific. After listening to them for some time, I came to a conclusion...

I wanted to go back... back to the big city.


Dear FSS,

I finally did it. After a long bus trip, a helicopter ride, and yet another bus trip, I arrived at Port Thel, the Hub of the North Pacific. It's as amazing as I thought it would be. The bustling crowds... the high rise... and the loads of cheese. It's everything that the brochure described and more! Also, I got hit by the bus as I crossed the street... whoops. A few people found me and I was sent right to the hospital. Yeah... you guys know me. Always acting, never thinking! Anyways, I got released from the hospital a few hours afterwards. They said I was fine, but I should watch where I was going from now on. Then I went to the Application Office and turned in my application for citizenship. The office was kinda big... and the line was kinda long. Like, half an hour long... but still faster than back home, eh!? Sorry, I'm just messing with you guys. Finally, they looked over my paperwork, and accepted my application! I was finally a citizen of The North Pacific!

I made my way over to the local pub, where a number of people seemed to be. As I entered, a few friendly faces calmed my anxious nerves and a few new faces eased my worries of not fitting in. We all chatted into the mid day when the discussion turned to politics. Did you guys know they actually have political parties in the big city!? I'm actually quite surprised myself! There are apparently two major parties called the Liberty Party and the Progressive Party. I'm sure a ton of you really cringed at the lack of a right wing party, huh? Sorry guys, but there's a lack of regional right wing parties... but don't worry, there's right wing nations here! Anyways, we got into discussion and I asked some questions on their policies...

And then I think I went too far. I asked a bad question and it got really tense as a furious debate broke out in the pub. Yeah... I guess I'm still causing trouble huh? Anyways, the debate kinda settled down thanks to a random stranger. He switched the topic to something less serious and gave me a chance to back out of the pub for a bit. At that moment, I also got a call. Apparently, the house I applied for was ready! I was elated and decided to take my stuff.

I got in a taxi and went to the Southern part of North Pacific City. As I got out of the taxi, I saw that my house had the PERFECT view! It was actually beachfront property! Could you believe it!? There was a nice private beach, sunny shores, AND a nearby island! It was totally perfect for me! I brought all my bags in from the taxi and unpacked some of it. I still have to get through the boxes of stuff... I barely got through my clothes and suits! I decided to take a break and started to actually write my history... the regional government here actually show an interest in it so I decided to start writing it for them! I actually just finished writing the second section of the nine I have planned. I'll finish some more tomorrow, since it's really late here and I'm tired from unpacking.

I hope you all are doing wonderful back at home. Things are going pretty fine here (although I may have put myself on the wrong foot politically), but I'm still so nervous! This is all so new to me that it's a bit overwhelming. Hopefully I'll get used to it.

That's really it. I'll write soon!
With love,