To: The Commonwealth of The Principality of Jeikeu
From: The Dominion of Chasmanthe
SUBJ: Regarding your letter to become an ally
Thank you for your interest in our Dominion. May I first congratulate you on the founding of your nation and on your efforts to reach out in the Regional community. This should be emphatically applauded as there is there is a great capacity for it, and I hope they take you to exciting and worthwhile destinations.
In order to respond to your letter I am sending Robin to take this reply over the sea. Unfortunately there has not been a lot of diplomacy and all of our ambassadors are currently on our first foreign mission, into Novare Res. It has been a long time since they departed and we have not heard anything back yet, I do fear for the worst. Luckily Robin was unoccupied. He has no diplomatic experience and no discernable skills whatsoever but he was available at short notice and willing to waive the insurance and the other red tape for passing directly through the exclusion zone. In case he doesn't make it I will send a copy of this letter by telegram.
Regarding the war on mcmasterdonia. We have been following this closely and are particularly concerned for both the stability of mcmasterdonia and the actual direct threat to the ducklings. As you will know, mcmasterdonia will be executing all its ducklings - I'm sure this is a factor in your choice to support Kingborough in an attempt to overthrow the new mcmasterdonia regime.
Chasmanthe cannot commit at this time but we will continue to build relations with The Principality of Jeikeu. You will understand that we might not wish to be seen to be associated with your regime as I get the impression Jeikeu is a slave-state. I appreciate your efforts to raise Jeikeu-awareness intra-regionally, and this goes to show the need for us to better understand your country.
Telegram back if this is quicker (and I won't ramble so much) as events could escalate. Robin will be arriving eventually for face-to-face dealings. If you get sick of him, we don't really want him back so direct him to Scandigrad as we were hoping to establish an embassy there and we have nobody to send now.
Kind Regards,
L. Moore (National MoFA) on behalf of Chasmanthe