ARCHIVED: Ravanian Conflict


OOC: No bad blood, Ravania. Just doin' my RP job.

IC: It was a peaceful day in the Checkerite capital city of Cesura. Chancellor Cody Vassar was working in the Circle Centre [note]Circle Centre = Checkers' White House (reference to Oval Office :) )[/note] when suddenly an aide ran up to him. "Sir," he said, "We've received a response from Scandigrad," and handed him an envelope bearing the TNP seal. Vassar had a good feeling pulsing through him as he slit the envelope, and read the enclosed mandate. As he read, the aide watched his expression turn darker...


TO: The Honorable Leader of Checkers

Dear Chancellor:

Your request for the islands has been noted. However, we regret that we may not allow you to take possession of them due to the fact that a similar request has been filed by Ravania. Therefore, neither of you shall receive them until one of you has withdrawn their request.

The aide watched Vassar rip the paper in half. "How dare they?" he shouted. After some colorful swearing, he composed himself. No, he thought. I'm the Chancellor of this country. I'm going to handle this democratically and evenly and STRANGLE RAVANIA'S- no, no. Ok. How do I do this?

Three hours later, the President of the Assemblar stood and addressed the National Assembly. "Congressmen and congresswomen," she said, "The Chancellor would like to petition support for his latest Injunction." Vassar thanked the President and took the podium. "Congressman and congresswomen," he began. "Earlier today, our nation was dealt an insult. I received a letter from our friends of Scandigrad that we were being snubbed. That the mighty nation of Checkers may not receive their decent request of a few northern islands because Ravania interjected after us! Well I disagree! And I think YOU should disagree. And I am Injuncting, as is my power as Chancellor, that we declare war on Ravania until THEY disagree. Thank you." Breathing heavily, he left the podium and stormed out of the Assemblar, his aides and Executive Defence in hot pursuit.

An hour later, Chancellor Cody Vassar stood in the West Garden of the Circle Centre in front of many Centre Correspondents and press, amid many flashes of photographs and hushed voices of live broadcasts. When he felt the time was right, he signaled his Chief of the Press to quiet everyone down and began speaking. "Citizens of Checkers," he said, "I was furious this morning when I heard that our claim had been blocked by Ravania. But I am proud to say that I have taken action, and as of just a few minutes ago, the Assemblar has voted to take action on Ravania, and has declared war."
On Ravenclaw Manor a pigeon dives to the east tower. Billybob hurries to fetch the message and brings it to the princess' quarters.
Breathing heavenly he hands her majesty the message retrieved from his feathered friend. Princess Rowan looks at the seal on the little paper and opens it. The smile on her face turns in to a worried frown. She calls Rufus her trusted minister and orders the rest of the court to leave her quarters.

'Rufus, you know a while ago some of our countrymen departed the motherland to found a colony in the North Pacific area. Well it seems they have embarked on two northen islands and encountred no-one for 4 days. But then a claim was made on the islands by another country named Checkers. My cousin Roger, who's leading the colonists, was hoping for a diplomatic solution, but now it seems the leader of Checkers has declared war on Ravania. I feel a bit alienated, my dear Rufus, that someone I have never met speaks of war the first time he heard of us.'

'Your royal highness, has this person never heard of you then and your peaceloving nature?'

'Seemingly not, Rufus, some people lack all manners and courtesy. Could you open op diplomatic relations with this war-hungry nation?'

'Maybe I could send my nephew, Brandon, your royal highness, he's one of the colonists and serves Prince Roger well. Let me contact him and instruct him to look for a peacefull solution for this matter. Apparantly there are two islands and Brandon speaks of empty wastelands to the east of them.'

'Rufus, don't forget our colonists were the first to embark on these islands and Roger speaks of their economically strategic position. Brandon should emphasize these facts and not give in to easily.'

'He won't, highness, he won't and must I ask Prince Roger to send a ship to the eastern shores?'

'Good idea, Rufus, get to it'

And so it happened that a Ravanian ship set sail to the eastern shores of the North Pacific and Brandon Ragerock requested to speak to Vassar, the Chancellor of 'Checkers'.