Tim and Wham engaging in Censorship in #TNP


Garde à l'eau!
Well, yours truly has been 24 hour banned on #TNP by pseudo-Ops Tim and Wham because yours truly doesn't bow down and worship at the same political Real Live God Obama that they do.

How do you like them apples?

And how does that form of censorship by IRC 'Ops' affect this game?

Silence the opposition.

There's your TNP freedom and Democracy for you!

Hail Censorship!

It's the new order of the day.
You made a number of racially insensitive comments and on numerous occasions said offensive things to people like "shut the feck up." You were trolling, you offended just about everyone in the IRC, and you absolutely deserved a temporary ban.

I also find it amusing that a guy who voted to restrict the rights of TNP citizens is bitching about a lack of freedom and democracy. Pot calling the kettle black, don't you think?
I for one welcome our new secret time-traveling Kenyan socialist communist islamo-fascist nazi overlords.
Let's see:

"Cormac: Let's see: Romanoffia has in the course of this discussion insulted Indonesian culture, generalized [the entire] Jewish culture, told an unspecified number of people to shut the feck up, and falsely accused Earth of drug use. It's a good thing I don't have a shiny gold star next to my name."

It's not censorship. You were welcome to say what you wanted. You just had zero respect for others in the channel and you were told by many to chill, and thus were banned when you told Wham to screw himself.

Also, please define what a "pseudo-OP" is?
Wham, and Tim didn't ban you, I did. I was actually trying to help you, and tell others to let my warning stand, and not ban you. It had nothing to do with your not liking Obama, heck, I don't like Obama either. You was out of line though, and my warning was not quite taken seriously, as your next comment to me got, and earned you the ban. It's not what I wanted to do, but you gave little choice.
I for one welcome our new secret time-traveling Kenyan socialist communist islamo-fascist nazi overlords.
You sir, have split my sides. First with that Jesus is so Cool video, and now that. I tip my hat off to your humor streak tonight, sir.
Hey, you hung me out to dry when I was defending you.

You are not fit to be Delegate. You betray your supporters for momentary political support.

Again, you are not fit to be delegate.

And that is why I am totally disgusted with the government of this region.

It's time for a total overhaul of the Constitution and Legal Code. Obviously, the current system facilitates dictatorial actions or inactions on the Delegate's part.
Okay, so I was asleep during the whole thing, but by the sounds of things you needed to just calm down. I won't ever ban someone for having an opinion, But even insults are thrown, it goes too far. Don't waste a all the work you've put into this place by going off on one over a temp ban from the irc channel. Take the hint, walk away for a day, and see how you feel then.
I find it interesting that I am supposed to take all manner of abuse and obscenity and trolling from people like Tim, yet when I respond in kind, I'm somehow at fault. Making Tim and Wham OPs on #TNP was an act of utter stupidity (if I am still allowed to express my opinion).
I find it interesting that I am supposed to take all manner of abuse and obscenity and trolling from people like Tim, yet when I respond in kind, I'm somehow at fault. Making Tim and Wham OPs on #TNP was an act of utter stupidity (if I am still allowed to express my opinion).
The fact that you said something bery insensitive about Judaism, in front of Earth, and probably meant to offend Earth is disgusting. And, I don't want to hear your little ode to dissolve of political correctness; it wasn't true, and it wasn't respectful, and that's why you are banned.
I find it interesting that I am supposed to take all manner of abuse and obscenity and trolling from people like Tim, yet when I respond in kind, I'm somehow at fault. Making Tim and Wham OPs on #TNP was an act of utter stupidity (if I am still allowed to express my opinion).
The fact that you said something bery insensitive about Judaism, in front of Earth, and probably meant to offend Earth is disgusting. And, I don't want to hear your little ode to dissolve of political correctness; it wasn't true, and it wasn't respectful, and that's why you are banned.
You get a C- for poor grammar and lousy spelling.

If Earth was offended, I am sorry, but not for offending her. I am sorry that some people are so overly sensitive that they get offended by the color of the sky. Offending her was not my intent. If she took offense, it is her problem, not mine.

I had a lot of offensive stuff hurled at me on IRC over the years but if I am offended, it's my problem, not anyone else's.

What I suggest is that people take a course on how not to be overly sensitive because real life will chew them up if they are easily offended, especially when someone really lays into them for being over-sensitive.