Hello From the Region of Democratium!!!


Dear Leaders of The North Pacific.

My name is ChaChi, I represent the great Region of Democratium as their Minister of Foreign Affairs. I come to you today to offer our hand in friendship, in the hopes we can build a strong foundation which will eventually lead to endless possibilities between our two great Regions. I have a vision that between our two Regions, we will each have Ambassadors from our two regions respectively, and also establish Embassies. I also hope we can establish peaceful and cooperative treaties, and also share our knowledge with each other, both foreign and domestic.

I would like to thank you for your time, and i hope to hear back from you soon!

Thank you,

Welcome.. You use many of these nice adjectives and saying such as "Offer our hand in friendship" and "strong foundation" and "vision"

It might be just me, but stuff like that kind of puts me off. I like it when people are straight to the point...... I would make a terrible English teacher :P

Anyways. Welcome :)
Well let me see if I can put you on then. Currently Democratium is going through a Constitution crisis. We are getting rid of our current Democracy, which was run much like the United States, and are implementing a Parliamentary Government, where our citizens will have a much bigger voice. As we are dealing with this domestic issue right now, it was my decision to shut down most international dealings for the time being. Whit that said though, I still wanted to stay on good terms with the few regions who are our close allies, as well as connect with your great region. You see, I myself started in the North Pacific, and know how well this Region/Forum can be run, and thought it could only benefit Democratium to establish a friendship with your region. I hope that is straight enough to the point!!!
There we go ^_^

Much more to the point and without all the silly bullshit. Now this I like :P

Hope everything goes well with Democratium. Best of luck to you guys :)
Hello again!Just wanted to inform you that we have successfully negotiated Embassies with each other. We will be sending over an Ambassador shortly! We will be sure to send over weekly/monthly updates on what is happening in our region. We hope you will do the same!