schedule slipping?


I am not sure, but the published schedule for constitutional reform seems to be slipping. is there merit in producing a revised schedule?

The published one I have on file says:

May 17 - May 19 Finalize treaties negotiated under Blue Wolf II, Select interim ministers (using incumbents as possible)

May 20 - May 26 Debate treaties, Council of Five nominations, Ask people to get some reform constitution drafts in, Manumission Day

May 27 - June 2 Polls choosing a starting constitution draft from proposed options, Regional Update due, Council of Five vote, Conclude debate on Legal Code Revamp

June 3 - June 9 Constitution Draft revision 1, vote on Legal Code Revamp

June 10 - June 16 Constitution Draft revision 2, debate more treaties

June 17 = June 23 Constitution Draft revision 3, vote on more treaties

June 24 - June 30 Constitution Final Draft debate

July 1- July 7 New Constitution vote, Constitution Day

July 8 - July 14 Legal Code adjustment brainstorm, 8 week plan brainstorm

July 15 - July 21 Legal Code adjustment revision, Council of Five nominations, 8 week plan deliberation

July 22 - July 28 Legal Code adjustment debate, Council of Five vote, Liberation Day

July 29 - August 4 Legal Code adjustment vote