Telegram Campaign Again


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
We have another crappy telegram campaign again. I was notified of this telegram by someone I know in real life. It is very concerning, i'm not sure who is behind it and if the nation Far Away was just picked as random. If anything, it shows we may need to consider a formal endo-cap.

Please temporarily remove your endorsements from me, until Eluvatar's nation is at a safe distance away from my own. Of course, ignore all unofficial TG's that do not either come from my nation, or the Delegates. Thanks!

The Republic of Treetar (New. 3 hours ago)

Hail Fellow Resident of The North Pacific!

As you may or may have not noticed, our current honorable delegate is experiencing a period of inactivity. In this scenario it is important to recognize there is no need to panic, especially when doctrine and precedent are clear in these cases.

In order to keep The North Pacific secure, we have a cohort of members ready to position themselves in a defensive posture around the delegate when he is completely dark ( inactive) for more than 48 hours.

Please comply with the above stated doctrine and endorse (if you have not already):

The Honorable Vice Delegate and Military Leader:McMasterdonia

The Honorable Top 1 Percent Most Influential:Far Away
Thank you.
Long Live The North Pacific
I also received a similar mass telegram a few days ago, it looked like this:
The Republic of The Reform Party of the North Pacific
5 days ago



On behalf of the Reform Party of the North Pacific, I'd just like to introduce our party to you! Many residents have been rather frustrated with the incumbent government lead by the Progressives, who campaigned on a mantra of "change", but have delivered mostly on legislative reform that hasn't noticeably improved the regional experience for the everyday citizen.

We at the Reform Party understand your frustration and believe in serious changes to how our government works - we have been fighting and will continue to fight in the Regional Assembly for greater governmental transparency and commitment to the rights, freedoms, privacy and promotion of opportunities for participation in the North Pacific. Additionally, we are distressed by the Progressives' hawkish support for unjustified aggression by the North Pacific Army against regions that have done absolutely nothing against the North Pacific - reform in the army is needed to unify the army under a banner that fits our region’s interests: regional defense, defence of allies and humanitarianism.

If you have any questions or comments about the Reform Party, please reply!

If you agree with our party's beliefs, I highly encourage you to reply back via telegram to sign-up as a member of our party. As a member, you would receive regular information on the on-goings of the government and the Reform Party, in addition to information on how you too can become more involved with the region's politics.

Unibot, Deputy Secretary-General of The Reform Party of the North Pacific.

Very suspicious. :P
Blue Wolf II:
I also received a similar mass telegram a few days ago, it looked like this:
The Republic of The Reform Party of the North Pacific
5 days ago



On behalf of the Reform Party of the North Pacific, I'd just like to introduce our party to you! Many residents have been rather frustrated with the incumbent government lead by the Progressives, who campaigned on a mantra of "change", but have delivered mostly on legislative reform that hasn't noticeably improved the regional experience for the everyday citizen.

We at the Reform Party understand your frustration and believe in serious changes to how our government works - we have been fighting and will continue to fight in the Regional Assembly for greater governmental transparency and commitment to the rights, freedoms, privacy and promotion of opportunities for participation in the North Pacific. Additionally, we are distressed by the Progressives' hawkish support for unjustified aggression by the North Pacific Army against regions that have done absolutely nothing against the North Pacific - reform in the army is needed to unify the army under a banner that fits our region’s interests: regional defense, defence of allies and humanitarianism.

If you have any questions or comments about the Reform Party, please reply!

If you agree with our party's beliefs, I highly encourage you to reply back via telegram to sign-up as a member of our party. As a member, you would receive regular information on the on-goings of the government and the Reform Party, in addition to information on how you too can become more involved with the region's politics.

Unibot, Deputy Secretary-General of The Reform Party of the North Pacific.

Very suspicious. :P
Not at all. Just crating a political party to streamline government and the Constitution via our normal legal and constitutional means. We're fairly libertarian.
Besides Unibot proclaiming himself Deputy Secretary- General of The Reform party I see nothing wrong with the the Telegram. Political Parties have the authority to recruit new members. I also think Unibot did a great job taking the initiative in Reform Party recruitment.
Another telegram
Greetings! Pleased to meet you.
I'm writing you about your endorsement of our regional delegate, The Respublika of Zemnaya Svoboda. In particular, I ask you to remove your endorsement of him. Here's why:

1. He hasn't logged into his nation in days, and barely ever logged in even before that. He clearly doesn't care about the region when he is the most inactive delegate of any Pacific in Nationstates.

2. He hasn't been voting on World Assembly resolutions even when the region asks him to do so. Under his leadership, the North Pacific is totally unrepresented in the World Assembly.

3. He runs a Soviet-like regime and holds show trials against nations like John Ashcroft Land and Mallorea. He bans these nations from voting and participating without just cause. In the North Pacific we ought to protect the rights of the most vulnerable.

Therefore, for the above reasons, I request that you unendorse The Respublika of Zemnaya Svoboda.
Blue Wolf II:
I also received a similar mass telegram a few days ago, it looked like this:
The Republic of The Reform Party of the North Pacific
5 days ago



On behalf of the Reform Party of the North Pacific, I'd just like to introduce our party to you! Many residents have been rather frustrated with the incumbent government lead by the Progressives, who campaigned on a mantra of "change", but have delivered mostly on legislative reform that hasn't noticeably improved the regional experience for the everyday citizen.

We at the Reform Party understand your frustration and believe in serious changes to how our government works - we have been fighting and will continue to fight in the Regional Assembly for greater governmental transparency and commitment to the rights, freedoms, privacy and promotion of opportunities for participation in the North Pacific. Additionally, we are distressed by the Progressives' hawkish support for unjustified aggression by the North Pacific Army against regions that have done absolutely nothing against the North Pacific - reform in the army is needed to unify the army under a banner that fits our region’s interests: regional defense, defence of allies and humanitarianism.

If you have any questions or comments about the Reform Party, please reply!

If you agree with our party's beliefs, I highly encourage you to reply back via telegram to sign-up as a member of our party. As a member, you would receive regular information on the on-goings of the government and the Reform Party, in addition to information on how you too can become more involved with the region's politics.

Unibot, Deputy Secretary-General of The Reform Party of the North Pacific.

Very suspicious. :P
Not at all. Just crating a political party to streamline government and the Constitution via our normal legal and constitutional means. We're fairly libertarian.
If you want to streamline the government and constitution, can I suggest you support the Flemingovianconstitution?

It is already drafted, so no lengthy process to go through either.
This is what I got.

freedom fighters:
Greetings! Pleased to meet you. I'm writing you about your endorsement of our regional delegate, The Respublika of Zemnaya Svoboda. In particular, I ask you to remove your endorsement of him. Here's why:

1. He hasn't logged into his nation in days, and barely ever logged in even before that. He clearly doesn't care about the region when he is the most inactive delegate of any Pacific in NationStates.

2. He hasn't been voting on World Assembly resolutions even when the region asks him to do so. Under his leadership, the North Pacific is totally unrepresented in the World Assembly.

3. He runs a Soviet-like regime and holds show trials against nations like John Ashcroft Land and Mallorea. He bans these nations from voting and participating without just cause. In the North Pacific we ought to protect the rights of the most vulnerable.
Therefore, for the above reasons, I request that you unendorse The Respublika of Zemnaya Svoboda.

And another...

The Principality of Deshnoke (22 minutes ago):
Hello everyone.
I call you now to unendorse The Respublika of Zemnaya Svoboda and endorse [natioon]Grosseschnauzer[/nation] if you have not already. Making this call has not been easy but it must be made when the state of the region has turned so dire. I have received evidence that Zemnaya Svoboda tampered with the election results
A fifth of the region’s voters thought Ramaba was one of best quarter of the region. SEE HERE
% 5.00 + % 5.95 + % 5.96 + % 5.96 = %22.87
% 22.87 > %20
And yet Ramaba was not elected. Who you might ask, was? None other than Zemnaya Svoboa’s UDL brethren, Mahaj and tim-opolis was chosen.
As McMasterdonia found that The UDL, a terrorist organization pretending to be a “defender” group, has been muscling for control over TNP and it is time that we as TNP rose above Zemnaya Svoboda (OR SHOULD I SAY: ELUVATAR, CHIEF OF INTELLIGENCE OF THE UDL).
Indeed, now the UDL wants Ramaba and other truthseekers and gentlemen out of TNP! They have slandered these great men with libel and even got their defender collegues from Equilism to bully TNP into applying an "extraterritorual application" of the law as the fine Attorney General Grosseschnauzer notes.
Stand up to this tyranny, give me your sword and we shall together ensure that the fire rises. Remember, fight your battles with respect and dignity and show your opponents mercy above all else.
Stand for peace, justice and freedom.
Or someone who thinks it's the perfect opportunity to cast blame on certain people.... also the fact that tim-opolis is grouped under "the UDL brethren" is absurd, as Tim is a known member of TBR and other raider organizations. I suspect its just another trouble maker who will get bored and give up.
Nah UDL puts the terror in terrorist.

It's why I've gone into protective custody irl after leaving the organisation. Uni has ways of finding people.
I apparently got this telegram too (and I'm not even a WA Member?), so much for trying to oppose the UDL. *facepalm*
I got the telegram...

None other than Zemnaya Svoboa’s UDL brethren, Mahaj and tim-opolis was chosen.

I'm UDL now? What the hell? O.o
I'm pretty sure I was permabanned from UDL membership after symbolically shredding the Pledge of Scarlet :P

Just as an observation (I'm not making an accusation), but the writing style is similar to Gov's. Might be someone trying to frame him, but idk.
I'm highly offended. I didn't get one of those telegrams. *sniff, sniff*.

It's okay. I think the person purposely tried to avoid some people. The only reason I got it, is because I have a different TNP nation that I have just for picking up these obscure telegram campaigns :P
I don't think it is Govindia, rather someone pretending that it is him.
Yea, I don't represent myself as my NS nation for the region I am in, I usually refer to myself by forum account name.

This guy clearly is a n00b at being me :lol:
I got this one recently...

The Republic of A Messenger for liberation
10 days ago
I wonder if you would not mind joining are cause. This would be done covertly of course. You would be one of are intelligence informants in the TNP region on the progressive party, and especially there elected leadership. you would simply need to create a puppet nation and join the progressive party. We have finally decided to come out in the open and found a regional council devoted to the liberation of TNP. Our only real interest is the liberation of TNP from Progressive Party If you are interested just telegram a reply to the affirmative.

I've seen similar messages to those. Thanks for sharing that you have received one. It seems they are contacting high profile forum members.
I got this hahahah... :P

The Principality of Deshnoke (New. 2 days 10 hours ago)
Hello everyone.
I call you now to unendorse The Respublika of Zemnaya Svoboda and endorse [natioon]Grosseschnauzer[/nation] if you have not already. Making this call has not been easy but it must be made when the state of the region has turned so dire. I have received evidence that Zemnaya Svoboda tampered with the election results
A fifth of the region’s voters thought Ramaba was one of best quarter of the region. SEE HERE
% 5.00 + % 5.95 + % 5.96 + % 5.96 = %22.87
% 22.87 > %20
And yet Ramaba was not elected. Who you might ask, was? None other than Zemnaya Svoboa’s UDL brethren, Mahaj and tim-opolis was chosen.
As McMasterdonia found that The UDL, a terrorist organization pretending to be a “defender” group, has been muscling for control over TNP and it is time that we as TNP rose above Zemnaya Svoboda (OR SHOULD I SAY: ELUVATAR, CHIEF OF INTELLIGENCE OF THE UDL).
Indeed, now the UDL wants Ramaba and other truthseekers and gentlemen out of TNP! They have slandered these great men with libel and even got their defender collegues from Equilism to bully TNP into applying an "extraterritorual application" of the law as the fine Attorney General Grosseschnauzer notes.
Stand up to this tyranny, give me your sword and we shall together ensure that the fire rises. Remember, fight your battles with respect and dignity and show your opponents mercy above all else.
Stand for peace, justice and freedom.
I've seen similar messages to those. Thanks for sharing that you have received one. It seems they are contacting high profile forum members.
Well that would be even dumber than I thought... :blink:

I received this in TP, not in TNP, so I assumed it was a somewhat more blanket approach being made.
The Kingdom of Amadeus the Foretold:
Your savior has risen tonight, my people.

Years have passed since freedom fell from The North Pacific and returned to the hands of tyranny. Your political institutions have been hollowed with corruption, power reaped for personal and foreign interest, and injustice legitimized in the ink of an oppressive constitution.

Ask yourself: Have you elected resident North Pacifican Zemnaya Svoboda? Have you, a member of the people, been enfranchised? Or, have you been misled!?

You have been told many things: To endorse! To obey! To submit allegiance! To have … patience. But your oppressors will never tell you to think.

Zemnaya Svoboda claims legitimacy on the basis that he has been elected by “the people”, but which people!? You, the people of The North Pacific? Or a dozen influential foreigners on a distant forum who have chosen Zemnaya Svoboda as your leader over two foul choices: A fool and a criminal who has twice laid waste upon your region without legal repercussions (this very fact exposes the government’s unfathomable acceptance of corruption and injustice).

I ask you to think, for your oppressors will not: Unendorse The Respublika of Zemnaya Svoboda and The Tim of Tim. Do not legitimize despotism, at least not when your salvation is imminent. Not when a heart that can preside a just rule has had its pulse newly restored.

Echo the spirit, my comrades and you will be rewarded when the time comes.

A friend.