Well, then I guess Falc could remove HC from the court and he can appoint someone I didn't nominated as to make it "unbiased".
On a side note, I nominative every RA members to be my replacement including, but not limited to, Abbey Anumia, Agasteon Empire, Aramyll, Camwood, collettiquette, Cylar, Drop Your Pants, Dyr Nasad, Earth, Emperor Bad, Finn, Funkadelia, Ganzjar, GMLP, Hushland, Hyanygo, Krintzaika, NNN Romaland, Oriole Electronics, punk d, Queen Ravenna, Ravania, Redamerica, rufusexc, Sanctaria, saor, Terran Redux, The Palindromic Land, TheGrandNagus, Todd McCloud, TOHOATNP, Tyler, Tyrranus, Whamabama, yellow103, and Zaolat.
Thank you.