I am not going to point fingers and name names as the Question itself is designed to be Divisive, and this issue is bigger than S.C. Members themselves. You see whenever a group of people are intrenched in power too long with out a frequent election Cycle(R.A. elections, not just Recall) and some type of term limits they become to comfortable which then leads them to become corrupt and unfortunately S.C. members subconsciously then become indifferent to the democratic process that there working to uphold. The SC as it is designed now is Oligarchical Collectivism. If there were frequent elections (R.A. Elections, not just Recall) and term limits you could at least call this body Democratic, And with term limits the senior members would have to devote there talents to other pursuits the region greatly needs. Also other TNP member's who are just as qualified would have an actual chance (thru direct election by the R.A.) of getting to serve the region on the S.C., A Very Democratic Ideal.Eluvatar:Who are the SC oligarchy, in your book?
So it is not necessary to explain in detail why one would want to elect you, but the three pictures of fireworks in space (?) are necessary?I will make my statement rather short since as I do not really find it necessary to write a whole page on why you should elect me:
I wouldn't begrudge the decorations. I think the idea is to appeal to someone who doesn't want to spend too much time reading these, who might appreciate some decoration.unibot:So it is not necessary to explain in detail why one would want to elect you, but the three pictures of fireworks in space (?) are necessary?I will make my statement rather short since as I do not really find it necessary to write a whole page on why you should elect me:
sorry you don't like the fireworks you either like them or you do not.unibot:So it is not necessary to explain in detail why one would want to elect you, but the three pictures of fireworks in space (?) are necessary?I will make my statement rather short since as I do not really find it necessary to write a whole page on why you should elect me:
these fireworks are getting a lot of attention from my opponents I think there a little jealousEluvatar:I wouldn't begrudge the decorations. I think the idea is to appeal to someone who doesn't want to spend too much time reading these, who might appreciate some decoration.unibot:So it is not necessary to explain in detail why one would want to elect you, but the three pictures of fireworks in space (?) are necessary?I will make my statement rather short since as I do not really find it necessary to write a whole page on why you should elect me:
can you specify the powers of SC over RA and delegate?whenever a group of people are intrenched in power too long with out a frequent election Cycle
can you give even 1 example of that?unfortunately S.C. members subconsciously then become indifferent to the democratic process that there working to uphold.
although i agree with you in principle but do you know that presence of people with low influence level is not actually useful in SC as they can easily be banned by a rouge delegate.If there were frequent elections (R.A. Elections, not just Recall) and term limits you could at least call this body Democratic, And with term limits the senior members would have to devote there talents to other pursuits the region greatly needs.
can you specify the powers of SC over RA and delegate?
do you know the chair of SC is the VD who is an elected member?
do you know that most of SC are virtually unbanable by delegate and they are needed to be involved in regions security to support the delegate who can have very little influence when elected to office(?)
unfortunately S.C. members subconsciously then become indifferent to the democratic process that there working to uphold.
can you give even 1 example of that?
....do you know that presence of people with low influence level is not actually useful in SC as they can easily be banned by a rouge delegate(?)
endos caps law has been approved by RA not by SC .well the power of the SC is over the whole region in terms of endo caps which circumvent true liberty by interfering with NS nations fundamental right to endorse who ever they would like with out limitations imposed on them by a self electing body. if this body was elected by the RA they would be truly representing the region and not themselves, and if there were term limits or rotating membership they would have the moral authority to set endo caps.
do you think SC members have a magic wand to increase some one's influence??yes (and in relation to the S.C. becoming a RA elected body) that is why the out going S.C. members should make sure the newly elected S.C. members reach the proper endorsement levels for Regional security such as the S.C. already does when a new Delegate is elected.
by this definition you can say us supreme court and senate members are the most corrupt and they themselves even dont know thatwill its there subconscious not there conscious, Senior S.C. members don't even know there doing it. for instance the corrupt think there doing good When in reality they are not , and I am basing this on the reality of any organization that has members entrenched in power for too long.
It's Like saying Prime minister is head of cabinet but not a member of cabinetyes at least the VD is chosen Democratically, and even then the VD is just the chairmen not necessarily allowed to be a member of the very organization that he chairs.
Pasargad:endos caps law has been approved by RA not by SC .well the power of the SC is over the whole region in terms of endo caps which circumvent true liberty by interfering with NS nations fundamental right to endorse who ever they would like with out limitations imposed on them by a self electing body. if this body was elected by the RA they would be truly representing the region and not themselves, and if there were term limits or rotating membership they would have the moral authority to set endo caps.
do you think SC members have a magic wand to increase some one's influence??yes (and in relation to the S.C. becoming a RA elected body) that is why the out going S.C. members should make sure the newly elected S.C. members reach the proper endorsement levels for Regional security such as the S.C. already does when a new Delegate is elected.![]()
influence is determined much more by length of time a nation has stayed in a region not by endorsement numbers it will takes many years for a nation to reach high influence level in a feeder like TNP
by this definition you can say us supreme court and senate members are the most corrupt and they themselves even dont know thatwill its there subconscious not there conscious, Senior S.C. members don't even know there doing it. for instance the corrupt think there doing good When in reality they are not , and I am basing this on the reality of any organization that has members entrenched in power for too long.. SC is not a governing Body and it's role is to guard the region from rouge delegates with support of RA.
It's Like saying Prime minister is head of cabinet but not a member of cabinetyes at least the VD is chosen Democratically, and even then the VD is just the chairmen not necessarily allowed to be a member of the very organization that he chairs.![]()
Legal Provisions Governing the Security Council; TNP Constitution Art. V and TNP Legal Code Ch. 5
With Endo Caps I was more referring to the fact that if I was a new player who just joined NS and created a nation and decided to reside in TNP, and 400 nations in the region wished to endorse me out of there own free will. My nation would be ejected from the region in the name of Democracy and Regional security.Eluvatar:Actually you're both wrong and TNP simply doesn't have an endocap right now. Except for the constitutional one of the Vice Delegate's endorsement level (currently at 301) of course.
Depends on who the delegate is and what TNP law may be in effect at the time. Clearly it is never in the best interest of TNP to have someone assume the delegacy outside the electoral process the RA has adopted. Historically we have tried to balance regional security with a nation's right to play as he likes. So while we have not legislated a hard endocap, we do monitor endorsement gathering. Situations are dealt with on a case by case basis. The vast majority of cases do not require any ejecting or banning on the part of the delegate.peoples empire:With Endo Caps I was more referring to the fact that if I was a new player who just joined NS and created a nation and decided to reside in TNP, and 400 nations in the region wished to endorse me out of there own free will. My nation would be ejected from the region in the name of Democracy and Regional security.Eluvatar:Actually you're both wrong and TNP simply doesn't have an endocap right now. Except for the constitutional one of the Vice Delegate's endorsement level (currently at 301) of course.
Yes it would but its still possible.Eluvatar:If a new nation were able to get 91% of TNP's WAs that endorse at all to endorse them, this would be quite the remarkable feat.
there are well over 400 WA nations it looks quite possible to meEluvatar:No, it really isn't. 400 is just outside the realm of the possible right now.
I appreciate very much your humorous sarcasm, however if any nation was determined enough and had popular enough following it would not be that difficult especially with The population of TNP is growing, and people are deliberately making this sound more difficult than it really is.Great Bights Mum:I've been endorsing all of them since April and I have around 200. I know I can do better if I give them all rum along with the endo, but 400? Not without sending along some dance hall girls.
mcmasterdonia:The Cabinet is a dynamic group of people, often there are disagreements and rowdy debates. As a member of the cabinet how do you think you would contribute to this?
mcmasterdonia:What would you do to ensure you have a good working relationship with the rest of cabinet?