[Complete]AT VOTE: Liberate Benevolent Capitalism [Complete]


TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda
Category: Liberation
Nominee (region): Benevolent Capitalism
Proposed by: Kannap

Liberate Benevolent Capitalism:
Description: The Security Council,

RECOGNIZES that Benevolent Capitalism has recently been invaded by Pwnzoria,

APPALLED that the members of Pwnzoria came in and quickly took power, password locking the region,

NOTING that on the twenty-second of June, 2012, that many of the members of Benevolent Capitalism were ejected by the raiders,

ACKNOWLEDGING that the natives of Benevolent Capitalism have been held out from their region by a password set by the invaders,

REALISING that if action is not taken to remove the region's password, then it will slowly die,

HOPING that by liberating Benevolent Capitalism, all of its natives will return to their homes, and may the region prosper once more,

HEREBY liberates Benevolent Capitalism
Informational Review by the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs::

This is an informational review of the SC Resolution-At-Vote, “Liberate Benevolent Capitalism"” published by The North Pacific's Ministry of World Assembly Affairs for your convenience and consideration.

In "Liberate Benevolent Capitalism", we have a standard liberation scenario. A raiding group called "Pwnzoria", took the region only a short time ago and quickly used influence to implement a password and begin banning and ejecting natives out of the region against their will.

According to Pwnzoria, the motivation behind the raid is pretty clear,

"My point exactly,we need to build Pwnzoria's reputation. Also if someone here could follow our progress please? We intend to build enough support for a condemnation. (Including evidence of our suitably nefarious actions, although this does not necessitate that these actions will be dishonest, just evil)" ~ Hoteldematagigantes, June 26, 2012.

Pwnzoria's motivation for raiding Benevolent Capitalism is thus to foster interregional infamy for itself.

As with most liberations, much attention by critics of the liberation has been brought to (1) the lack of expressed native support for the liberation, (2) the characteristics of "Benevolent Capitalism" before the raid. Generally, natives do not view the official forums without being explicitly asked to join the forums; so, imaginably, a great deal of running a successful WA Liberation is in the ability of the author to direct natives to the thread where they can announce their support of the liberation. At this time, Nautican and Flaxxony-Setram have joined the official forum's thread in support of the liberation; I have no reason to expect that this will be the end of the emergent native support for the World Assembly initiative.

Likewise, critics will also often argue that Benevolent Capitalism was a relatively small region before the raid; one critic suggested that a region was only "worth" a liberation if there were at least six natives to support said initiative. However, these claims were countered by Topid (well renowned WA Security Council author), who suggested that even small regions deserve to be free from forced impositions against their region's will. Ultimately, there are at least two important questions for you to ask yourself: (1) is native support for a WA Liberation important for you when it comes to deciding whether to vote yea or nay on said liberation? If so, is there enough native support to permit this liberation? (2) Is this region "worth" a liberation?

Bearing these thoughts in mind, The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs believes that the native support level for "Liberate Benevolent Capitalism" is not unusual (two or three natives voicing their opinion is common for smaller regions in my experience) and that the size of Benevolent Capitalism is inconsquential. Additionally, we believe that the North Pacific Army (NPA) may find a liberated Benevolent Capitalism to be a wonderful opportunity to organize a counter-invasion -- but on that note, we must defer to the central command of the NPA. We hope that with the password down, the region will hopefully be free soon from foreign occupation and once again have an opportunity to develop.

The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs has (1) thus recommended that the delegate vote "FOR" Liberate Benevolent, and (2) calls upon all member-states in The North Pacific (that's you!) to carefully consider the viewpoints expressed in this informational statement. Thank you.

Minister of World Assembly Affairs in The North Pacific.

This one was easier to write a statement for when I had to choose between the upcoming SC and GA votes, but I didn't get to writing a statement for the GA resolution yet and I will be at work during the day. (If Elu is interested, I will vote yea on both the upcoming GA and SC votes).

Blue Wolf II:


Care to explain your position, gentlemen?

1 aye, 2 against, 0 abstain.
I am for this, considering that only 2 or so natives have expressed their point I personally believe people should not be forced to leave their native origin and be forced to take refuge or asylum within another region, especially knowing that members of the WA have the power to uplift password infringed regions and open them up for the natives to return and hopefully for the region to later expand and flourish.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.