We've never had an official forum policy specifically as to IRC logs, just personal messages. There used to be such a limitation posted at the IRC channel #tnp, and that was enforced on the official TNP forums, but i do not see any evidence that such a limitation is current policy there.
As I recall, there was such a rule applied under a former Constitution, that was stated as the policy of Cabinet meetings held on offshoots of #tnp, and that since the chats were considered private unless excepted by a Cabinet vote, they could not be made public. Edited transcripts of those logs removing portions conducted in private by a vote of the Cabinet members present were then posted.
Since that era, there has been a major legal change, the freedom of information/public records provision, which makes anything confidential having to do with the government releasable. The current Delegate appears to have the legal power to declassify and publish previously confidential information.
That is what appears to have happened here. Among other things, I do not know on what IRC channel these logs were created, and if they were not #tnp, then unless the channel involved had a specific nonreproduction policy posted, then it would be unlikely that they are prohibited from being posted here. Second, there is a bias now in favor of using IRC for government business, and Blue Wolf, as Delegate, routinely use IRC to take actions that were not documented anywhere else. This practice has apparently continued under the current Delegate. As a result, there is now a presumption that IRC logs are no longer "private" and therefore Appendix 3 does not implicitly apply to them. In addition, the current rules of evidence of the court assumes that IRC can be used to record witness testimony before trial that then can be edited by a justice for testimony found to not be admissible with the balance posted at trial.
If there is a desire to adopt a formal forum policy on the matter, then that can certainly be done, but given the shift in practices as to the use of IRC for regional governmental business by both Blue Wolf and Eluvatar, and the court rules on the use of IRC logs, I cannot say that logs can any longer be treated as "personal messages" and thus, private communications, unless there is clear evidence in the original logs to the contrary, whether the log originated on #tnp or elsewhere