TNP Wire Format

In considering the possible formats for the TNP Wire, I've decided that I'd prefer to use a Tumblr blog for the main news feed.

I think this is the best format for a few reasons. First, the last TNP Wire was a Blogger account. I'd continue to use that but I no longer have access to it and I don't think anyone still here does (Hersfold and Tresville had access last time I checked). I like the idea of having an external feed for the news. It can be a central location for nations, especially those not on the forum, to check for up to date news. You don't have to sign up for anything, or know how to navigate the forum, to find the news.

I'd also like to send it out in a Mass TG if that is still allowed, with an opt-out possibility.

The Regional Update would be separate from the Wire, but it would include links to the latest Wire stories.

The Tumblr account also has an easy way for submissions to be accepted, which is an added bonus. And it can handle multiple authors, so we can update those when the MoC changes or when if we add staff writers.

Let me know what you guys think.
I like this idea. Perhaps we could display the link to it in the world factbook entry.

But does this mean that we won't be posting any part of the wire on our forums?

and furthermore is this wire going to be sent around to all nations like the WA vote recommendations are?
It would be linked to from the Forum and would have have links to individual stories in the Regional Update (sent out to nations via TG and posted on the forum).
I would love an opt-out service for our newspaper service and other private newspapers (that would have to be regulated not to be seditious in nature), they could be allowed to send ads and teaser newspapers to promote their newspapers, but ultimately, they'd be expected to be opt-in.
I think getting the message out on as many channels possible would be a good idea.

- Include it in a NationStates official forum thread.
- Send it as telegrams.
- Post it on our TNP forum as its own section.
- Post it on our RMB.
I will be launching this this evening (EDT) then. I be releasing both a Regional Update and TNP Wire news articles on our Tumblr. The update will include links to these articles. Then I will request that it be sent out via TG by the Delegate.