Requirements for Office


This poll is to decide how long new RA members should have to wait before they can stand for public office. There are two self-explanatory options:
  • 1. 30 days: what we currently have;
  • 2. 15 days: a suggested reform.
You may vote for 1 option.
I'm not sure. The 30 days has an advantage in terms of security, and the 15 days is better for fostering growth. Would we want the standard to apply to all offices? Cabinet-level? Hearing officers? I'd like to hear some opinions on the matter before I decide.

As a related matter, have we ever addressed the situation returning members find themselves in? I believe there is - or at least there was - a general feeling that a less rigorous standard should be applied.
Great Bights Mum:
I'm not sure. The 30 days has an advantage in terms of security, and the 15 days is better for fostering growth. Would we want the standard to apply to all offices? Cabinet-level? Hearing officers? I'd like to hear some opinions on the matter before I decide.

As a related matter, have we ever addressed the situation returning members find themselves in? I believe there is - or at least there was - a general feeling that a less rigorous standard should be applied.
I agree. Returning members should be held to less rigorous standard.
I'm with GBM, etc. If you've been in the RA before, there should be less wait time. If the 30 days is for security, then why is that necessary for the members who we know are less of a risk?
For those who want consistency around the board, think of it this way: everyone is expected to wait thirty days before standing for office, the first time they join the RA. :P
We could compromise at 30 days prior to the beginning of nominations for any elected position, and 15 days for all other positions; or 21 days for all elected or appointed positions.

I think we do need to be sensitive to the possibility of "voter stuffing" by outsiders who might want to flip the region using our laws against us. Those advocating changing it wholesale to 15 days have failed to even acknowledge or address that concern.
Well 15 days appears to have won in the end. Unfortunately alternative options came up mid-discussion and I wasn't allowed to edit this poll. I suppose if it's contentious I'll have to make another poll. In any case I'm going with the results of this one for now.