Nation: Altino (or Altinsane)
Region: Osiris
Just informing you all that I'll be your new ambassador from Osiris.
Region: Osiris
Just informing you all that I'll be your new ambassador from Osiris.

Svezjacael:Nation: Svezjacael
Region: The Pacific
Altino:Nation: Altino (or Altinsane)
Region: Osiris
Just informing you all that I'll be your new ambassador from Osiris.![]()
Given Resident masking since Wyngshade resides in TNP, and since Resident is a higher permission set than Foreign Envoy.Seraph:Nation: Wyngshade
Region: the South Pacific
Nation: Starblaydia
Region: Atlantian Oceania
Hey Uan!Uan aa Boa:Uan aa Boa from Forest. We have a forum embassy and are about to set up an ingame one. I've also sent across a puppet (The Boani Diplomatic Mission) to reside in TNP.
Having lost access to my original TNP forum account I've created this one but I don't seem to be getting a validation email.