Ator People for Council of Five

I've announced my attention to run for the Delegate's Council of Five and I'm excited at the possibility of serving the region again as a cabinet member.

For those who are new, I've recently returned from a break in TNP but I've been in the region for quite a while - about seven years to be exact. Our recent celebration of the end of Pixiedance's reign in TNP reminded me of my first days here.

Since joining TNP, I've served in many positions in our regional government. Whether it was as Minister of Culture and Education, Minister of Communications, Minister of Defense, Interior Minister, or 2x Vice Delegate, it has always been an honor to serve the region.

From the above list I hope you can gather two things. One, that my dedication and loyalty to the region and its nations is clear and long-lasting. Two, that I've been a nation of many talents.

This second point, I think, is the most important for this particular Council of Five. The Delegate will assign officers as he sees fit. I have experience in many areas - defense, culture, communications, etc. - and I am more than willing to serve in any of these areas.

Please feel free to ask me any questions. I love serving this region and I'm looking forward for this next opportunity to do so.

Ator People
Stars of Sky (Bella) took over as delegate after the liberation of TNP from Pixiedance (et al). She ovesaw the constitutional convention at the TNP Referendum forum, and then went off the found the region of Stars. Exciting times.
As far as I can tell, it was suspended on May 22, 2005, in the midst of the Pixiedance occupation. I don't know any details other than that and as I mentioned before, I am unfortunately not directly familiar with the treaty or it's dissolution.
Blue Wolf II:
What direction would you like to see NPA head in?
Ah that is the million dollar question! One I've been asking myself quite a bit lately...

I see it, as others have envisioned as well, as a force to defend TNP interests. This means two things one, it will defend the region at home when and if necessary (but that was obvious, wasn't it?). Two, it will defend allies of TNP abroad.

The second purpose has become clearer to me as we begin to seek mutual defense pacts with smaller regions. I see the NPA as ready and willing to defend our friends if they are invaded or at war.

This is different from the days in the past when we would defend any region that found itself raided. It also means that we might have to be ready to attack/raid if it is part of a campaign to defend us or an ally. Or I'm even open to offensive campaigns against regions that violate our RMB laws (though this is less likely).

At our core we will remain a defender army. But our mission will be less focused on defending for defending's sake and more focused on protecting our interests and those of our allies.