Removals from the Regional Assembly

The R.A. has never voted to change the practice of the Speaker reserving the right to not cast a vote or absention on a particular matter or not posting. This was the practice under the prior Constitution, and it has never been changed by a R.A. vote. Because the R.A. has never voted to change the practice , it's a fair reading of the matter that the R.A. has never intended to change the practice and has continuously accepted it.

see? this is my point. It may have been the practice back then, as it has been the practice in the current constitutional period, but was it ever the law?

I'd like someone to show me when the R.A. has ever voted to change the common custom, usage and practice that the chair does not vote except to establish a quorum

You do not need to vote to change a custom. You vote to change or establish a law. As Topid has pointed out, we have a written law in this matter. [/quote]
you name me after the mucus that collects in the back of the throat, but you do not find me complaining about it.

As I have said elsewhere. Respect is earned, not a right. Perhaps you might try earning some.
you name me after the mucus that collects in the back of the throat, but you do not find me complaining about it.

As I have said elsewhere. Respect is earned, not a right. Perhaps you might try earning some.
Actually, incorrect. Respect is a right. It's called basic human courtesy.

Your name is Flemingovia, people refer you as Flem in shorthand. You can call me Gov or Govindia. Not that hard.
Again, playing the victim of mistreatment or disrespect is not a defense. You're trying to sideline the discussion about your blatant violation of the law. Such maneuvers may actually explain why people do not take you seriously in the first place.
The Constitution specifically says that being a government official does not negate your responsibilities as a member of the Assembly. It does not provide an exception for the Speaker.
Ah well, just put it down to my basic lack of courtesy, then.
and you expect me to take you seriously when you can't even be respectful?

I see BW has taught you well in trolling
It seems quite cut and dry that the Speaker should have removed himself. That said, no one empowered to enforce the law and remove the Speaker has done so.

Under RA Rule 2, the SPT responsibility devolves on the most senior member who is "available". If Grosseschnauzer is not "available" it is my understanding that the responsibility of enforcing TNP Law on RA membership falls to FALCONKATS.
I am hereby resigning the post of Active Speaker and give all power to Speaker Pro Tempore Grosseschnauzer.

I am removing myself from the Regional Assembly and re-applying.

I ask Grosse to remove those earlier listed from the RA as well.

I hope you all are happy that BW got what he needed via trolling and you encouraged it, whilst not requesting he publicly announce his appointments as I have asked before all this happened.
The following members are removed from the Regional Assembly due to resignation:
The following members are removed from the Regional Assembly for missing two or more consecutive votes that started at least 3 days apart; this does not include two current votes in progress, the current special election for Speaker, and the current regular Judicial elections:
Greene 2010
Anime Freak
Todd McCloud (while Todd attempted to cast an absention on the Omnibus legislation, he missed the two prior votes)
I hope you all are happy that BW got what he needed via trolling and you encouraged it, whilst not requesting he publicly announce his appointments as I have asked before all this happened.
Its not at all a matter of "what I needed" but what the law required. I saw no problem with you as Speaker, but if the law says you're to be removed, then that's that. I don't understand how you can apply the law to others if you can't first apply it to yourself. Although feel free to blame me for your misfortune.
Blue Wolf II:
I hope you all are happy that BW got what he needed via trolling and you encouraged it, whilst not requesting he publicly announce his appointments as I have asked before all this happened.
Its not at all a matter of "what I needed" but what the law required. I saw no problem with you as Speaker, but if the law says you're to be removed, then that's that. I don't understand how you can apply the law to others if you can't first apply it to yourself. Although feel free to blame me for your misfortune.
The way you approached it, in personally attacking me, trolling me, and insulting me, was disrespectful and uncivil. As delegate, you are better than that. You still have not made the public announcement about your cabinet appointments.

I feel that you and flemingovia, for your inappropriate behaviour towards me, owes myself and this region a sincere apology.
Govindia I saw no one being any harsher toward you than you've been toward BW. BW didn't try to overwrite regional law. I think he owes the region far less of an apology than someone who tried to make the law say whatever it needed to say for him to keep his position.

The handling of this situation has been one of the best of BW's delegacy, a great example of how the government should work (on his end, NOT yours). One branch continually pointing out that the other has vastly over stepped its bounds until the side breaking the law eventually gives in to the law.
Govindia I saw no one being any harsher toward you than you've been toward BW. BW didn't try to overwrite regional law. I think he owes the region far less of an apology than someone who tried to make the law say whatever it needed to say for him to keep his position.

The handling of this situation has been one of the best of BW's delegacy, a great example of how the government should work (on his end, NOT yours). One branch continually pointing out that the other has vastly over stepped its bounds until the side breaking the law eventually gives in to the law.
BW didn't try to overwrite law, and I wasn't either. I simply was trying to follow custom and tradition that other speakers have been doing for years without any opposition.

You must understand Topid where I am coming from. There are people here who do not like me for petty reasons and vendettas stretching back years and from other feeders. They're not willing to let those grudges go, forgive and forget and all that shit. I had felt BW was one of them.

To me, with how he had worded things and treated me, it came off as uncivil behaviour and trolling. Flemingovia's behaviour didn't help the matter. That's why I feel they both owe me an apology. This matter could have been better handled.

I had requested he posted his cabinet announcements publicly because I feel that in the interests of transparency he should have done so since IRC is not official communications for TNP government matters, the forums and WFE are. I really wish he would kindly please make an announcement soon.
I understand people don't like you Gov. However, I didn't see anything that BW said to you which was excessively harsh. Plus, this didn't happen because people disliked you. No one passed this law months ago knowing they could eventually use it against you. If you're being serious with this victimized way of thinking, you're not being logical. And if you're using it to try to distract people from what you just did, it won't work.
I have looked back over all my posts in this thread and I am satisfied that I addressed the issue rather than the person. The possible exception is referring to govindia as "grosseschnauzer's parrot", but that was pretty mild. If there was injury here it was largely self-inflicted. If govindia had recornised the rule of law at the outset and stepped down he would have gained a lot of respect and perhaps even a case could have been made for the ra to make an exception. However, instead of deferring to the ra govindia chose an aggressive, defiant course which simply dug him a deeper and deeper hole. In the end, when govindia did step down it came across as a forced retreat rather than a principled and dignified act.
I have looked back over all my posts in this thread and I am satisfied that I addressed the issue rather than the person. The possible exception is referring to govindia as "grosseschnauzer's parrot", but that was pretty mild. If there was injury here it was largely self-inflicted. If govindia had recornised the rule of law at the outset and stepped down he would have gained a lot of respect and perhaps even a case could have been made for the ra to make an exception. However, instead of deferring to the ra govindia chose an aggressive, defiant course which simply dug him a deeper and deeper hole. In the end, when govindia did step down it came across as a forced retreat rather than a principled and dignified act.
I only got aggressive because you two were acting like assholes, so yes, you two were in the wrong.

Especially after this wholesale piece of rubbish:

11 And Eluvatar the Nomad returned from his travels. And nobody knew where he had been. 12 But Govindia and Grosseschnauzer rejoiced, thinking “Eluvatar will speak and the people will listen, and they will end their clamour.” 13 But Eluvatar added his voice to the voice of the People. 14 And so Govindia knew that the people would soon remove him from the Regional Assembly, so he left, crying out at demanding an apology.

Again, you should learn to show everyone here basic respect and courtesy and you have failed to do so, as did BW, so yes, that is why I feel an apology from both of you to me is in high order.
How dare you refer to holy scripture as "wholesale Rubbish"? It is militant secularism like that which is ruining this region. Have some respect, sir, for other people's religion.

PS Nobody else seems to have a problem with being in the Book of Flemingovia. In fact I have had other people contact me asking if they can be included in future chapters. You know who you are.

PPS Flemingovianism now has seven chapters of Holy Scripture and a hymn book. Be sure to check out the Temple area in Port Thel, everyone.
How dare you refer to holy scripture as "wholesale Rubbish"? It is militant secularism like that which is ruining this region. Have some respect, sir, for other people's religion.

PS Nobody else seems to have a problem with being in the Book of Flemingovia. In fact I have had other people contact me asking if they can be included in future chapters. You know who you are.

PPS Flemingovianism now has seven chapters of Holy Scripture and a hymn book. Be sure to check out the Temple area in Port Thel, everyone.

I am a Hindu, I have no problem with religion, except that which exploits and ruins others for the sake of advancing itself. Your cult is essentially the TNP version of scientology.

Regardless, my original point stands. You and BW still owe me and the region a sincere apology for your inappropriate behaviour.
Your cult is essentially the TNP version of scientology.

Sadly, I have a smaller bank balance, and fewer Xenus.

By your definition you ought to have no problem with Flemingovianism, unless you can point me to people who have been exploited or ruined by it? In fact those who have embraced its light are generally happier and more fulfilled members of the TNP community.
Your cult is essentially the TNP version of scientology.

Sadly, I have a smaller bank balance, and fewer Xenus.

By your definition you ought to have no problem with Flemingovianism, unless you can point me to people who have been exploited or ruined by it? In fact those who have embraced its light are generally happier and more fulfilled members of the TNP community.
Let's see, you refuse to admit you were wrong in how you acted towards me

You refuse to advocate unbanning me from the #tnp channel.

You do not seem to condemn anytime people attack me at all, even behind my back, for whatever reason.

You attack others who disagree with you.

So yes, an apology is in order.
{moderation hat on] I think this thread is becoming highly counterproductive and if it continues, I will close this thread permanently. That might be a good idea anyhow inasmuch as the removals have taken place, and Govindia has applied for and been approved for re-admission.

I'm not sure anything else is even on-topic in this thread.[moderation hat off]
{moderation hat on] I think this thread is becoming highly counterproductive and if it continues, I will close this thread permanently. That might be a good idea anyhow inasmuch as the removals have taken place, and Govindia has applied for and been approved for re-admission.

I'm not sure anything else is even on-topic in this thread.[moderation hat off]
I simply want them to sincerely apologise for inappropriate behaviour committed towards me, and for BW to formally announce his appointments. That is all. No more, no less.