Voting: Judicial Elections

Voting is from 12:00 UTC on Wednesday April 11th (08:00 EDT on Wednesday, April 10th) to 12:00 UTC on Wednesday April 18th (08:00 EDT on Tuesday, April 18th).


[b]TNP Nation:[/b] [nation]xxxx[/nation]
[b]WA Nation:[/b] [nation]xxxx[/nation]

[b]Chief Justice:[/b] < flemingovia | Hileville | Abstain >
[b]Associate Justice 1:[/b] < Grimalkin | FALCONKATS | Abstain >
[b]Associate Justice 2:[/b] < Grimalkin | FALCONKATS | Abstain >
[b]Attorney General:[/b] < Grosseschnauzer | Abstain >

You may not vote for the same candidate for associate justice twice.

Abstentions will not be counted when determining the winner of an election.
TNP Nation: the commonwealth of falconkats
WA Nation: the commomwealth of falconkats

Chief Justice: flemingovia
Associate Justice 1: Grimalkin
Associate Justice 2: abstain
Attorney General: Grosseschnauzer