Great Bights Mum:
At heart the SC is a military body. The power of those with high influence is a resource that TNP should seek to optimize. I don't see how elections which would exclude any nation uniquely qualified to serve would be helpful to the region in times of crisis.
The first problem is that it is NOT optimizing the power of those with high influence is a resource that TNP should seek to optimize.
The basic problem is that with a 'self regulating' SC, it can be used as a political tool to exclude qualified nations for arbitrary and/or capricious reasons. This would, in essence give a green light to an entrenched power elite that represents an entrenched power elite as an eventual inevitability.
The problem is that a self-regulating SC in essence, has more power than the Delegate precisely because it is self-regulating in nature. A literal power cabal with exclusive membership determined by an exclusive, self perpetuating elite that appoints itself, so to speak. A nice recipe for a coup, especially since the SC is a) secretive, b) elite, and c) self regulating and not accountable to anyone in a meaningful fashion or potentially so, and in reality serves one purpose - to prevent democratic sharing of power because of the power it wields. As such, it's exclusive and undemocratic nature is contrary to what we have always held to be a primary motivation in this reason - democracy, equality and representative government.
Case in point - it takes just a simple majority of RA members voting to appoint an SC chosen nation to the SC but if they exclude a qualified nation on arbitrary reasons, then it takes 2/3rds of the voting RA members to veto the SC's decision. It's an unmitigated self-perpetuation "good ol' boys' club" that in essence is more powerful than the Delegate as a whole.
Finally, Mum, how long have you known me? Have I ever under any circumstance done anything that was not to support The North Pacific and defend it against any and all invaders, rogues, etc...?
Well, in the interest of serving this region I, on the recommendation that I do so by Grossenschnauzer, applied for SC membership as I was so qualified to do so.
And what did I get for my attempt to use my nation's power status to support this region? I got declared a "Security Threat" against the region.
This arbitrary, capricious and absolutely outrageous accusation on the part of some of the SC is not only an insult to me and to the region, but absolute proof the actual danger such a elite and exclusive power cabal presents to the very security if this region.
I applied to the SC with one and only one goal and that was to serve this region and support the security of this region as I have always done without fail and out of the personal reasons of a few (and for nothing else at all), the region was denied the service of my nation's influence level. The SC as it is stands as a veritable private club interested in one thing - maintaining it's own power and to exclude anyone who actually has the interest and security of the region in mind.
I didn't make this issue personal, certain members of the SC did and for no valid or legal reason. And apparently questioning the status quo makes someone a 'security threat'. Or perhaps having an unfaltering and flawless record of service and support for this for many years is a threat to the security of the SC? I suppose my candidacy for Delegate in this upcoming election cycle will post a security threat which would mean that the SC finds democratic government by the consent of the governed and democracy itself is a security threat to the region?
I'll tell you and everyone what the biggest threat to the security of The North Pacific is and has always been: permanent power structures and the hubris that arises from self-perpetuating power elites. Every time we have managed to establish a mechanism that can be exploited by would-be thugs and rogues, and we wonder why a self-appointed power elite invites such rogues and thugs?
And this is why there needs to be a democratically elected Security Council since such an elitist power structure is so easily corrupted by the lust for exclusive control of the 'security' of this region.
And what happens if a law is up for a vote to make the SC an elected or partially elected group? I'm sure anyone who votes for it will be suddenly declared a 'security threat' and promptly told to shut up or else and be a good drone or sheep.
If the SC had an actual interest in efficiently applying the power of those with high influence as a resource that TNP should seek to optimize, then they would be more interested in having nations that have unfailingly, unflinchingly and with absolute devotion to the region becoming members instead of being a bunch of 'good old boys' who are more interested in their own status rather than the true security of TNP.
And, at heart, the SC is a power elite with the primary interest of maintaining exclusive membership at the expense of democracy, freedom and without a pure, altruistic interest in the security of this region. The SC is a power elite of the order of which the NPO or Francoists could only dream of precisely because of it's 'good old boy' cliquishness.
This possibility of an elected SC is a pivotal point in TNP history. Upon it depends whether or not TNP will be true democratic and representative region or a sham democracy with potential shadow government lurking in the wings.
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The SC must become an elected body to promote the checks and balances of our Constitution, not to function as a group of 'insider' elitists who determine their own perpetual membership.