Regional Update

Regional Update - October 2011

Delegate: Grosseschnauzer
Vice Delegate: Felasia
AD Communications: Greater Peterstan
AD Internal Affairs: Govindia
AD External Affairs: Cakatoa

Speaker of the Regional Assembly: A Mean Old Man
Total RA Members: 27

Regional Assembly Membership List:

Chief Justice: Dalimbar
Justices: Cakatoa | Greater Peterstan
Attorney General: Blue Wolf II

Regional Forum:
IRC Channel: #tnp on​

The North Pacific Stats
(as of 10/18/2011)

The North Pacific contains 4,247 nations, the 3rd most in the world.

Total Forum Posts: 181,832
Total Members: 1,639​

Top Stories
Region vs. John Ashcroft Land
The Trial of the Century, or The Trial That Will Last a Century?

On August 5 Attorney General Eluvatar served notice that he would be pursuing criminal charges against one Durkadurkiranistan II aka The Poo Dynasty aka John Ashcroft Land. JAL is well known in TNP for illegally seizing the Delegacy and ejected hundreds of "innocent nations without warning, notification, or cause", although he had never faced trial for those crimes.

That was about to change.
The charges stem from JAL's attempt to join the Regional Assembly. His application was denied initially due to the fact that he purposefully submitted an Oath of Office that had been heavily modified from the one required by TNP Law. Although JAL later claimed this action to be a joke, when combined with knowledge of his checkered past, it sent officials scrambling to find means of denying his RA application, as well as to bring him to justice for his previous crimes.

Presiding over the case is Chief Justice Falconcats and Justice Govindia and Justice Topid. Attorney General Eluvatar has been acting as the prosecutor. He proceeded on several serious charges against JAL ranging from sedition, to illegally seizing the delegacy and ejecting nations. The court is also charged with considering whether the Speaker of Regional Assembly, Felasia, acted appropriately in denying his RA application.

The Attorney General presented a substantial amount of detailed historical evidence and testimony surrounding JAL's rogue Delegacy.

JAL, pleading innocent to all charges and maintaining his right to serve on the RA, tapped Flemgovia to handle his defense. Flemgovia's defensive strategy, thus far, has been to concede the his client's past record while attempting to demonstrate that the region has a long history of accepting those with a questionable past, including former rogue Delegates. He has also suggested that the region has historically been selective and political in deciding who to forgive and who to accept back into the fold.

Over the course of September and October, the court has heard testimony from some of TNP's most well-known names, including Limi, Felasia, and Grosseschnauzer.

Now approaching three months in progress, to provide a more detailed analysis, without prejudicing the active proceeding would be difficult. All citizens are encouraged to investigate the relevant TNP history, follow the conclusion of the trial, and form their own opinions.

Get caught up on the action

JAL on the North Pacific Provisional Authority, in his own words

Link to Orginal Complaint from Attorney General Elvutar

Link to Ongoing Court Proceedings

Election News
Who is in, who is out, and all the muck that's fit to rake.

General Election

In the latest round of general elections, Grosseschnauzer narrowly defeated Felasia to become Delegate and A Mean Old Man (AMOM) was acclaimed as the new Speaker of the Regional Assembly.

The Vice-Delegate position remained unfilled after it was discovered that the only candidate, Pasargrad, was ineligible due to his lapsed membership in the Regional Assembly. To his credit, Pasargrad discovered the laspe and recused himself from the election. He was later appointed by the Delegate to the position of acting VD while Special Elections could be arranged.

The final vote count was subject to some controversy, as the status of some Regional Assembly members was called into question.

Check out this thread, and decide for yourself:

Special Election

To address the vacancy at VD, a special election was held. Immediate past-delegate Blackshear competed against Felasia to "assume the position". Ultimately, Felasia defeated our former Delegate and has been certified Vice Delegate.

Click here for the official results:

Judicial Elections

Full disclosure: I was a candidate in this election. GP

The regularly scheduled Judicial Elections are also in progress. Dalimbar ran unopposed for Chief Justice and Blue Wolf II ran unopposed for Attorney General. In both cases, they were acclaimed into their positions.

Cakatoa, Greater Peterstan and Falconkats were competing for the two Associate Justice positions. Cakatoa and Greater Peterstan were elected.

Click here for the official results:

New Political Movement Sweeps TNP
Progressive Party of the North Pacific makes inroads, the Delegate responds with a party of his own

Full disclosure: I am an active member of the Progressive Party of the North Pacific. GP
Another change which is dramatically changing the political landscape of the North Pacific is the formation of a new political party, the Progressive Party of the North Pacific (ProP). The party is a coalition of self-described "progressive thinkers" with the stated goal of bringing a fresh perspective to political life in TNP.

Not all citizens are equally enthusiastic about the new party. Recently elected Delegate Grosseschnauzer, for one, has repeatedly questioned the motives of the group, going so far as to suggest that the party is a foreign conspiracy to overthrow the legitimate TNP government.

The beginning of a very interesting exchange here:

This accusation has been widely denied by Party members.

Motives aside, there is little doubt that party is already wielding a substantial amount of influence in the region. They comprise a majority of the Regional Assembly, including the new Speaker. It is looking likely Party members will claim the Vice Delegacy and the majority of the judicial positions as well.

This is not the first time party politics has entered TNP. In late 2005, under the leadership of Poltsamaa, the Civil Progressive Party managed to win over half of the cabinet seats available in the government system at the time. It disappeared after a single election. There is no connection between this early pioneer and the modern ProP party.

One of the first actions of ProP in the Regional Assembly was to propose an amendment that would allow the current constitution to expire, and to empower the RA to create Constituent Assembly to propose and implement significant changes to the constitution, government and legal system. This amendment is currently making its way through the Assembly. Click here for more information.

Interesting times ahead in TNP politics.

Check out the ProP thread in the forums for more information:

LATE BREAKING NEWS: On October 18, Delegate Grosseschnauzer announced that he would be forming a competing political party, called The Democratic Confederation of The North Pacific. His stated goal is to provide a "counterweight to this emerging hegamony that would destroy a true democracy resident in The North Pacifican." At press time there were no specific policies announced, nor membership lists released.
But you can read Grosseschauzer's whole statement here:

It was also announced on October 18 that everyone's favorite political prisoner John Ashcroft Land was forming his own political party, called the Regressive Party. The policies of the new party include "occasional purges to keep the proles in check."
JAL added in a later post, "It is in your interests to join the Regressive Party whether or not you agree with our platform, since joining would shield you from the inevitable purges after we seize power."

Interested parties should check out the whole thread here:

With Files From Dalimbar

News Bites

New Cabinet Appointments: Cakatoa agreed to serve as the new Assistant Delegate for External Affairs. Govindia was appointed to the Internal Affairs Portfolio. Yours truly, Greater Peterstan, was appointed by Delegate Grosseschnauzer to handle the Communications Portfolio. Visit the Delgate's Office to read the official announcements

Foreign Affairs Reinvigorated: Under the leadership of the new AD External, Cakatoa, newly approved embassies are being established, and the re-establishment of the Ambassador Corps is underway. Contact Cakatoa to get involved in the Ambassador Corps: Visit Embassy Row here:

For the record: Recent World Assembly Votes

At Vote: GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION: Social Assistance Accord (Our Delegate votes YES)
PASSED: GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION: Law of the Seas (Our Delegate votes YES)
PASSED: SECURITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION: Commend Glen Rhodes (Our Delegate votes YES)

Visit the discussions surrounding all WA votes here:
Greater Peterstan:
Regional Update - October 2011

Delegate: Grosseschnauzer
Vice Delegate: Felasia
AD Communications: Greater Peterstan
AD Internal Affairs: Govindia
AD External Affairs: Cakatoa

Speaker of the Regional Assembly: A Mean Old Man
Total RA Members: 27

Regional Assembly Membership List:

Chief Justice: Dalimbar
Justices: Cakatoa | Greater Peterstan
Attorney General: Blue Wolf II

Regional Forum:
IRC Channel: #tnp on​

The North Pacific Stats
(as of 10/18/2011)

The North Pacific contains 4,247 nations, the 3rd most in the world.

Total Forum Posts: 181,832
Total Members: 1,639​

Top Stories
Region vs. John Ashcroft Land
The Trial of the Century, or The Trial That Will Last a Century?

On August 5 Attorney General Eluvatar served notice that he would be pursuing criminal charges against one Durkadurkiranistan II aka The Poo Dynasty aka John Ashcroft Land. JAL is well known in TNP for illegally seizing the Delegacy and ejected hundreds of "innocent nations without warning, notification, or cause", although he had never faced trial for those crimes.

That was about to change.
The charges stem from JAL's attempt to join the Regional Assembly. His application was denied initially due to the fact that he purposefully submitted an Oath of Office that had been heavily modified from the one required by TNP Law. Although JAL later claimed this action to be a joke, when combined with knowledge of his checkered past, it sent officials scrambling to find means of denying his RA application, as well as to bring him to justice for his previous crimes.

Presiding over the case is Chief Justice Falconcats and Justice Govindia and Justice Topid. Attorney General Eluvatar has been acting as the prosecutor. He proceeded on several serious charges against JAL ranging from sedition, to illegally seizing the delegacy and ejecting nations. The court is also charged with considering whether the Speaker of Regional Assembly, Felasia, acted appropriately in denying his RA application.

The Attorney General presented a substantial amount of detailed historical evidence and testimony surrounding JAL's rogue Delegacy.

JAL, pleading innocent to all charges and maintaining his right to serve on the RA, tapped Flemgovia to handle his defense. Flemgovia's defensive strategy, thus far, has been to concede the his client's past record while attempting to demonstrate that the region has a long history of accepting those with a questionable past, including former rogue Delegates. He has also suggested that the region has historically been selective and political in deciding who to forgive and who to accept back into the fold.

Over the course of September and October, the court has heard testimony from some of TNP's most well-known names, including Limi, Felasia, and Grosseschnauzer.

Now approaching three months in progress, to provide a more detailed analysis, without prejudicing the active proceeding would be difficult. All citizens are encouraged to investigate the relevant TNP history, follow the conclusion of the trial, and form their own opinions.

Get caught up on the action

JAL on the North Pacific Provisional Authority, in his own words

Link to Orginal Complaint from Attorney General Elvutar

Link to Ongoing Court Proceedings

Election News
Who is in, who is out, and all the muck that's fit to rake.

General Election

In the latest round of general elections, Grosseschnauzer narrowly defeated Felasia to become Delegate and A Mean Old Man (AMOM) was acclaimed as the new Speaker of the Regional Assembly.

The Vice-Delegate position remained unfilled after it was discovered that the only candidate, Pasargrad, was ineligible due to his lapsed membership in the Regional Assembly. To his credit, Pasargrad discovered the laspe and recused himself from the election. He was later appointed by the Delegate to the position of acting VD while Special Elections could be arranged.

The final vote count was subject to some controversy, as the status of some Regional Assembly members was called into question.

Check out this thread, and decide for yourself:

Special Election

To address the vacancy at VD, a special election was held. Immediate past-delegate Blackshear competed against Felasia to "assume the position". Ultimately, Felasia defeated our former Delegate and has been certified Vice Delegate.

Click here for the official results:

Judicial Elections

Full disclosure: I was a candidate in this election. GP

The regularly scheduled Judicial Elections are also in progress. Dalimbar ran unopposed for Chief Justice and Blue Wolf II ran unopposed for Attorney General. In both cases, they were acclaimed into their positions.

Cakatoa, Greater Peterstan and Falconkats were competing for the two Associate Justice positions. Cakatoa and Greater Peterstan were elected.

Click here for the official results:

New Political Movement Sweeps TNP
Progressive Party of the North Pacific makes inroads, the Delegate responds with a party of his own

Full disclosure: I am an active member of the Progressive Party of the North Pacific. GP
Another change which is dramatically changing the political landscape of the North Pacific is the formation of a new political party, the Progressive Party of the North Pacific (ProP). The party is a coalition of self-described "progressive thinkers" with the stated goal of bringing a fresh perspective to political life in TNP.

Not all citizens are equally enthusiastic about the new party. Recently elected Delegate Grosseschnauzer, for one, has repeatedly questioned the motives of the group, going so far as to suggest that the party is a foreign conspiracy to overthrow the legitimate TNP government.

The beginning of a very interesting exchange here:

This accusation has been widely denied by Party members.

Motives aside, there is little doubt that party is already wielding a substantial amount of influence in the region. They comprise a majority of the Regional Assembly, including the new Speaker. It is looking likely Party members will claim the Vice Delegacy and the majority of the judicial positions as well.

This is not the first time party politics has entered TNP. In late 2005, under the leadership of Poltsamaa, the Civil Progressive Party managed to win over half of the cabinet seats available in the government system at the time. It disappeared after a single election. There is no connection between this early pioneer and the modern ProP party.

One of the first actions of ProP in the Regional Assembly was to propose an amendment that would allow the current constitution to expire, and to empower the RA to create Constituent Assembly to propose and implement significant changes to the constitution, government and legal system. This amendment is currently making its way through the Assembly. Click here for more information.

Interesting times ahead in TNP politics.

Check out the ProP thread in the forums for more information:

LATE BREAKING NEWS: On October 18, Delegate Grosseschnauzer announced that he would be forming a competing political party, called The Democratic Confederation of The North Pacific. His stated goal is to provide a "counterweight to this emerging hegamony that would destroy a true democracy resident in The North Pacifican." At press time there were no specific policies announced, nor membership lists released.
But you can read Grosseschauzer's whole statement here:

It was also announced on October 18 that everyone's favorite political prisoner John Ashcroft Land was forming his own political party, called the Regressive Party. The policies of the new party include "occasional purges to keep the proles in check."
JAL added in a later post, "It is in your interests to join the Regressive Party whether or not you agree with our platform, since joining would shield you from the inevitable purges after we seize power."

Interested parties should check out the whole thread here:

With Files From Dalimbar

News Bites

New Cabinet Appointments: Cakatoa agreed to serve as the new Assistant Delegate for External Affairs. Govindia was appointed to the Internal Affairs Portfolio. Yours truly, Greater Peterstan, was appointed by Delegate Grosseschnauzer to handle the Communications Portfolio. Visit the Delgate's Office to read the official announcements

Foreign Affairs Reinvigorated: Under the leadership of the new AD External, Cakatoa, newly approved embassies are being established, and the re-establishment of the Ambassador Corps is underway. Contact Cakatoa to get involved in the Ambassador Corps: Visit Embassy Row here:

For the record: Recent World Assembly Votes

At Vote: GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION: Social Assistance Accord (Our Delegate votes YES)
PASSED: GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION: Law of the Seas (Our Delegate votes YES)
PASSED: SECURITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION: Commend Glen Rhodes (Our Delegate votes YES)

Visit the discussions surrounding all WA votes here:

This is what I am listening to right now. My Blood Transfusion
OK folks. New minister of communications here, looking for items for a regional update.

Obvious things would be:

JAL trial stalls
How many recalls does it take to change a delegate?
Cabinet appointments.
attempts to reform the constitution.
Rise of Flemingovianism
Informal Thingy I posted in IDU:
During march we did not have ministers so I made an unofficial bulletin, with some advice from others:

The North Pacific Bulletin March 2012

Regional alert level: green
Regional forum:

The government of the North Pacific, would like to let you know about what's been going on.
• January Elections -- Blue Wolf II and Felasia (Denarian Knight) ran for Delegate. Blue Wolf II won the election with 45% of the vote to Felasia's 30%. Felasia followed Blackshear41 in joining the regional Security Council instead.
• Recall vote -- during the last week, we held a recall vote ( ) during which the Regional Assembly judged that Blue Wolf II had simply been too inactive and we need to elect a new Delegate. Nominations begin shortly.
• TNP v JAL -- A case against Durkadurkiranistan II, who ejected most of the region in 2010 after seizing the delegacy, was filed last year by the Attorney General and went through a bewildering series of procedural mishaps and disapparances of judges. Now a new Chief Justice is in town, who ruled that the original case was a mistrial. The Attorney General (me) has filed a new complaint ( ).
• Observing that the Attorney General who filed suit was under the law prosecutor of the case even after their term expired, Haor Chall proposed changing that and also making the Attorney General removable by the Delegate. ( ) The proposal has stalled for technical reasons.
• A series of proposals came in to our volunteer legislature after this: A proposal to change the region to a theocracy worshiping Flemingovia, a proposal to adjust the regional Security Council law, a proposal to override the Security Council's decision to not accept Novare Res's application, a proposal to legislate regulation of Regional Message Board advertisements from other regions, and last but certainly not least that proposal to recall Blue Wolf II for inactivity. The theocracy proposal has been tabled, the security council law has been adjusted, Romanoffia has not been admitted to the Security Council, and the proposed RMB ad regulation law has not passed.
• Shortly before disappearing, Blue Wolf II asked for people to volunteer ( ) to work in his cabinet. A number of people volunteered, but have not been appointed.
• In January we elected Speaker New Kervoskia, but he went missing. Limi (Very odd and Random) defeated Govindia (Ramaba) in a the special election, and soon appointed Govindia his Deputy Speaker.
• On the NationStates forum, administrator Salusa Secondus brought up discussion of a possible Repeal & Replace system for WA resolutions; this conversation has also been brought to TNP.

Thank you for reading and the best of wishes,
Minister for Regional International Affairs,
Respublika of Zemnaya Svoboda

Immediately after the bulletin was written, Blue Wolf II challenged his recall on the grounds that gave him that the recall vote received a 2/3 majority of those voting for or against, rather than 2/3 of the whole RA membership. This challenge was sustained by the courts and the special election which had begun was cancelled. The court's decision also went ahead and declared that in all votes except for elections, abstentions would have to count in the denominator, as though they were nay votes.

Blue Wolf II then proceeded to begin to exercise the responsibilities of government, appointing Ministers of Foreign Affairs (Gulliver), Defense (mcmasterdonia), and Communications (flemingovia). The re-vote on recalling him (with correct voting instructions this time) failed as a result.

In response to the court's decision, Speaker Limi had adopted a policy that one could only vote Aye/For or Nay/Against; anything else would not count as a vote, and would not count toward the RA's (strict) attendance policy. This predictably caused people to run afoul of the attendance policy, and Todd McCloud is arguing against his removal from the Regional Assembly as we speak.

This led to an (understandable) outcry, and the incorporation of a rewrite of every clause in the constitution involving votes into an Omnibus reform bill that had been in the works. The finalized Omnibus bill passed April 12 and the RA has returned to a traditional, sane, method of counting abstentions.

The RA continues to consider sweeping reform of the legal code, and ponder sweeping reform of the Constitution.

~Elu :trtl:

Expect a more formal update soon :)
I've been posting some of Flem's scripture to Taijitu as our update... but i was wondering if there was an offical one that I could post there, covering past events... If not, I will just wait till after the election..