October 2011 Special Election

The voting in the special election for Vice Delegate begins at 1800 UTC (2 pm EDT; 11 am PDT) on Sunday 9 October 2011 and continues until that same time on Friday 14 October 2011.

Please used the following ballor format when voting:

TNP Nation
WA Nation

Vice Delegate


You may either post your vote in this thread or send it by PM to "The Voting Booth" account. Absentions or votes for others will not be counted. Their xistence will be included in the announcement of the results.
TNP Nation: Unibot III
WA Nation: Currently "Grats on the Bad Raid", subject to change.

Vice Delegate
There are approximately three hours remaining before the polls close. As soon as I am able after that, vote counting and verification will begin.will commence.

UPDATE: Voting is now closed.