GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION: Safety in Difficult Times [Complete]


TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda
Safety in Difficult Times


HAILING its work in ensuring ever-greater social justice for all and a better life for workers and their families;

CONSIDERING that there is much yet to be done; that there are not enough international guarantees under which a basis of security and prosperity can be established;

SEEKING to assist people in dire situations so they can insert themselves again in the workforce as soon as possible instead of being a permanent burden for all society;


1) Social Assistance (SA) shall grant benefits to workers and their families, as provided by this resolution. Each nation will determine the method, whether public, private or a mixture thereof, by which SA shall be financed.

2) National laws will update individual contributions as needed. Nations are very strongly encouraged to partner with other nations so as to create joint SAs, in order to ensure economic stability of SA under any circumstances.

3) Individuals shall have full access to information relating to SA’s management.

4) SA shall dispense benefits in the following cases:

* Infirmity, disability and/or involuntary unemployment;
* Illness severe enough to prevent the beneficiary from working;
* Parental leave, when a child and/or other dependant is born or adopted;
* Bereavement leave, after the death of one’s child, spouse, parent and/or sibling;
* Pension for death to at least one dependant next-of-kin;
* Allowances to care for a sick relative and/or spouse.

5) Benefits:

a) Considering a household with a beneficiary and one dependant, wage-replacing benefits shall at least be able to pay for all of the following for the duration of the benefit: water and food sufficient to keep good health, housing, utilities such as power and water supply, dependant’s schooling costs;
b) In regards to pensions listed under 4): Pensions for survivors who are minors shall last until they have attained a basic education and are able to work; pensions for non-minors will have a minimum duration of one year, if they are not receiving any other SA benefit;
c) No benefit shall be granted to a person who intentionally harms oneself and/or other(s) for the purpose of getting SA benefits for oneself.

6) Nations shall retain full freedom to:

a) Subsidize work programs for the long-term unemployed;
b) Dispense other benefits not mentioned on this resolution;
c) Limit benefits of inmates and/or persons convicted of SA fraud;
d) Employ in public service people who are able and involuntarily unemployed, as long as previous resolutions are respected;
e) Reduce unemployment benefits in the long term (never less than 52 weeks) to encourage able people to be back into the workforce. In this situation, nations shall subsidize workers' re-training, apprenticeship schemes and further education geared towards constructive and productive work.

Voting ends in 3 days 23 hours.
<b>Voting on this resolution has ended.</b>

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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